
An npm Package for Node.js using a third party npm package to scrape content from the site. To create a csv file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import contentScraper from '';


Content-scrape-Javascript An npm Package for Node.js using a third party npm package to scrape content from the site.

This project is a Node.js command line application that goes to an Ecommerce site to gets the latest prices and saves them to a spreadsheet (CSV format). This spreadsheet will be used by another application to populate a database.

This creates a csv file with current date of when the scrape happened into the data folder e.g. 2016-01-29.csv .

The csv file column headers Title, Price, ImageURL, URL and Time .

Basic Usage

var Scraper = require("content_scraper");

var url = "";

var shirts4mikeScraper = new Scraper.scrape(url);

var directory = 'outputDir';

var filename = 'results';

* When the "end" event is triggered an array of shirt
* metadata is returned
shirts4mikeScraper.on("end", function(result){
      //To view result in console
      //Optional parameter to change the filename and the output directory
      Scraper.print(result, directory, filename);
      //Or simply to use the default directory 
      // Scraper.print(result);

* If a parsing, network or HTTP error occurs an
* error object is passed in to the handler or callback
shirts4mikeScraper.on("error", console.error);

Example of Returned Data

  {    title: 'Mike the Frog Shirt, Orange',
       price: '$20',
       imageUrl: '',
       href: '',
       time: '0:37:58'
  {    title: 'Mike the Frog Shirt, Orange',
       price: '$20',
       imageUrl: '',
       href: '',
       time: '0:37:58'

title, price, url and imageURL are strings and time is a JavaScript Date object.

Sample CSV


Title	                      Price ($)	ImageURL	                                         URL	                                    Time
 Mike the Frog Shirt, Orange	$25	0:38:49
 Logo Shirt, Teal	            $20	0:38:49
 Mike the Frog Shirt, Yellow	$25	0:38:49
 Logo Shirt, Gray	            $20	0:38:49