
Get Contentful data and return as a javascript object.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import contentfulData from '';


Get Contentful data and return as a javascript object.


This tool solves the problem of dowloading Contentful entires via the Contentful Delivery API and passing to templates during a static site build. Contentful is a content management platform for websites, web applications, mobile apps and connected devices. It allows you to create, edit & manange content in the cloud and publish it anywhere via a powerful API.



Getting Started

To use contentful-data you will need to install it and get credentials in order to access your content in Contentful.


In node, using npm:

npm install contentful-data


In order to get content from Contentful, you have to pass in your credentials as params, which are handed off to Contentful's Javascript SDK under the hood.

To create API keys, login to Contentful, open the space from which you want to download content (top left corner lists all the spaces), and navigate to the APIs area. Open the API Keys section and create your first token. You will also need your Space ID.

For more information, refer to Contentful's REST API reference on Authentication.

Basic Usage (Gulp)

'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp');
var contentfulData = require('contentful-data');

// Global object to store returned data.
var entries = null;

gulp.task('data', function(cb){
  // Only get entries once per build. Prevents numerous API calls if build run often after a gulp watch, for example.  
  var params = {
    apiKey: 'your-api-key',
    spaceId: 'your-space-id'

  return contentfulData(params, function(err, data){
    if(!err) {
      entries = data;

gulp.task('default', ['data'], function(){
  console.log('Retrieved contenful entries.');


name type description
apiKey string A production Content Delivery API key.
spaceId string Alphanumeric id of the space to retrieve.
opts object Object of available options.
opts.filter array Array of content types to get. If no filter is passed, all content types will be downloaded.
opts.level number Number of links to resolve.
opts.key string The id of the field to use for identifying an entry (e.g. slug). If no key is supplied, the default of the entry will be used instead.
opts.locale string the value of locales requested from the contentful space. If no key is supplied, the default key, representing the default language of the space will be used instead.


Gulp with Pug

This tool was primarily meant to work in a Gulp build using pug templates to generate a static site.

var contentfulData = require('contentful-data');
var pug = require('pug');
var entries = null;

gulp.task('data', function(cb){
  // Only get entries once per build. Prevents numerous API calls if build run often after a gulp watch, for example.
  if (!entries) {
    var params = {
      apiKey: 'your-api-key',
      spaceId: 'your-space-id',
      opts: {
        level: 2

    return contentfulData(params, function(err, data){
      if(!err) {
        entries = data;
      } else {
        console.error('error:' + err);
  } else {

gulp.task('pug', ['data'], function(cb){
  for (var pageId in{

    // Assign nav and page data to template
    var locals = {
      navs: entries.navList,

    // Get pug template to use.
    var template =[pageId].fields.template;
    // Compile pug template
    var compiled = pug.compileFile('./src/templates/' + template + '.pug')(locals);
    // Define path to output template
    var path = 'path/to/output/compiled/template';
    path = path + '/' +;
    // Write compiled pug template
    var filename = path + '/index.html';
    fs.writeFileSync(filename,  compiled);


gulp.task('default', ['pug'], function(){
  console.log('Watching files for changes.');['path-to-pug-templates'], ['pug']);
