
ReactJS Form Management based on React Context

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import contextForm from '';



Form Management for React & React Native with a simple and flexible API.

Thanks to the Context API (as of React 16.3) it is possible to write a library for the Form Management with a very clean and almost invisible API where you don't have to pass Form's props all over your project.

Main Features

  • Declarative API with no need for extra props passing
  • InitialValues as a simple prop to the <Form initialValues={} />
  • Controlled and Uncontrolled Form State
  • Field Arrays and Groups with custom JSX/Fields structure
  • Easy to implement Custom Controls
  • Support for the complex JSX structure inside the Form
  • Themes support — implement project-wide styling in a single file
  • Ready to go integrations with Bootstrap, Ant and Material UI
  • And it's simply a <Form /> that's fun to use :)


Add context-form package to your project using yarn or npm:

$ yarn add context-form (or npm i context-form)

Once you installed Context Form as a dependency you can try it out with this basic example of the uncontrolled form (note, it uses console to log the values submitted and does automatic field validation for a title field (required is just a shortcut for the more extensive rules props)

Once you installed Context Form as a dependency you can try it out with this basic example of the uncontrolled form (note, it uses console to log the values submitted and does automatic field validation for a title field (required is just a shortcut for the more extensive rules props):

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Form, { Field, FormFooter } from 'context-form';

class ProductPage extends Component {
     * By default `onSubmit` will be called only if validation
    onSubmit = ({ values }) => {
        console.log('Form Values', values);
    render() {
        return (
            <Form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
                <Field name="firstName" />
                <Field name="lastName" />
                <Field name="title" required />
                // FormFooter is used just for layout purpose

You can now take a look at the more advances usage in the docs: