
A simple NodeJS logger for adding timestamps and context to console output

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import contextLogger from '';



This project is a simple NodeJS logger for adding timestamps and context to console output. The context can allow you to do such things as track a actions of a visitor to your application trhough your logs.

Installation: npm install context-logger


A simple example:

  var logger = require('./logger.js');

  // All of your messages will have a context associated with them to help
  // track events through your logs.
  var context = 'User0';

  // Console messages
  logger.log(context, 'This is a console message with color');

  logger.color = false;
  logger.log(context, 'Future messages will not have color (boring)');

  logger.shortTimestamp = true;
  logger.log(context, 'Future messages will have a short format timestamp');

  // Warning message
  logger.color = true;
  logger.warn(context, 'This is a warning message with color');

  // Error messages
  logger.error(context, 'This is an error message with color');

  logger.color = false;
  logger.newline = false;
  logger.error(context, 'This is an error message without color (also boring)');

  // Object inspection (shows the context first, then the object)
  var obj = {"cat":"meow", "dog":"woof"};
  logger.dir(context, obj);

This will print (colors omitted):

User0 - - [Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:38:07 UTC -7] This is a console message with color

User0 - - [Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:38:07 UTC -7] Future messages will not have color (boring)

User0 - - [06-02-2014 14:38:07] Future messages will have a short format timestamp

User0 - - [06-02-2014 14:38:07] ERROR: This is an error message with color
User0 - - [06-02-2014 14:38:07] ERROR: This is an error message without color (also boring)
User0 - - [06-02-2014 14:38:07]
{ cat: 'meow', dog: 'woof' }