
IoC context values provider

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<script type="module">
  import contextValues from '';


IoC Context Values Provider

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This library allows to construct an IoC context, other components can request values from.

An IoC context is an object with get() method implemented. This method returns a context value by its key.

Accessing Context Values

A context should implement a ContextValues interface. This interface declares a get() method accepting a ContextRequest identifying the requested value (e.g. a ContextKey instance), and a non-mandatory options.

The following code returns a string value associated with key, or throws an exception if the value not found.

import { SingleContextKey } from 'context-values';

const key = new SingleContextKey<string>('my-key');


Fallback Value

Normally, if the value associated with the given key can not be found, an exception is thrown. To avoid this, a fallback value can be provided. It will be returned if the value not found.

import { SingleContextKey } from 'context-values';

const key = new SingleContextKey<string>('my-key');

myContext.get(key, { or: 'empty' });

Context Value Request

The get() method accepts not only a ContextKey instance, but arbitrary ContextRequest. The latter is just an object with key property containing a ContextKey instance to find.

This can be handy e.g. when requesting an instance of some known type:

import { ContextKey, SingleContextKey } from 'context-values';

class MyService {
  // MyService class (not instance) implements a `ContextRequest`
  static readonly key: ContextKey<MyService> = new SingleContextKey('my-service');

myContext.get(MyService); // No need to specify `MyService.key` here
myContext.get(MyService.key); // The same as above.

Providing Context Values

Context values can be provided using ContextRegistry. Then the values can be requested from ContextValues instance constructed by the newValues() method of the registry.

import { ContextRegistry, SingleContextKey } from 'context-values';

const key1 = new SingleContextKey<string>('key1');
const key2 = new SingleContextKey<number>('key2');

const registry = new ContextRegistry();

registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 'string' });
registry.provide({ a: key2, by: ctx => ctx.get(key1).length })

const context = registry.newValues();

context.get(key1); // 'string'
context.get(key2); // 6

Context Value Target

The provide() method accepts not only a ContextKey instance, but arbitrary ContextTarget. The latter is just an object with [ContextKey__symbol] property containing a ContextKey to provide.

This can be handy e.g. when providing an instance of some known type:

import { ContextKey, ContextKey__symbol, ContextRegistry, SingleContextKey } from 'context-values';

class MyService {
  // MyService class (not instance) implements a `ContextRequest`
  static readonly [ContextKey__symbol]: ContextKey<MyService> = new SingleContextKey('my-service');

const registry = new ContextRegistry();

registry.provide({ a: MyService, is: new MyService() });

const context = registry.newValues();

context.get(MyService); // No need to specify `MyService.key` here

Context Value Specifier

The provide() method of ContextRegistry accepts a context value specifier as its only parameter.

This specifier defines a value (or, more precisely, the value sources). It may specify the value in a different ways:

  • registry.provide({ a: key, is: value }) - provides the value explicitly.
  • registry.provide({ a: key, by: ctx => calculateValue(ctx) }) - evaluates the value in most generic way. ctx here is the target context.
  • registry.provide({ a: key, by: (a, b) => calculateValue(a, b), with: [keyA, keyB] }) - evaluates the value based on other context values with keys keyA and keyB.
  • registry.provide({ a: key, as: MyService }) - constructs the value as new MyService(ctx), where ctx is the target context. The a property may be omitted if MyService has a static [ContextKey__symbol] property. See Context Value Target.
  • registry.provide({ a: key, as: MyService, with: [keyA, keyB] }) - constructs the value as new MyService(a, b), where a and b are context values with keys keyA and keyB respectively. The a property may be omitted if MyService has a static [ContextKey__symbol] property. See Context Value Target.
  • registry.provide({ a: key, via: otherKey }) - makes the value available under otherKey available under key. I.e. aliases it.

Context Value Key

Context value keys identify context values.

They extend a ContextKey abstract class. The following implementations are available:

  • SingleContextKey that allows associate a single value with it, and
  • MultiContextKey that allows to associate multiple values with it.
import { ContextRegistry, SingleContextKey, MultiContextKey } from 'context-values';

const key1 = new SingleContextKey<string>('key1');
const key2 = new MultiContextKey<number>('key2');

const registry = new ContextRegistry();

registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 'value1' });
registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 'value2' });
registry.provide({ a: key2, is: 1 });
registry.provide({ a: key2, is: 2 });

const context = registry.newValues();

context.get(key1); // 'value2' - SingleContextKey uses the latest value provided
context.get(key2); // [1, 2] - MultiContextKey returns all provided values as an array

Default Value

Context value key may declare a default value. It will be evaluated and returned when the value is not found and no fallback value specified in the request.

The default value is evaluated by the function accepting a ContextValues instance as its only argument.

import { ContextRegistry, SingleContextKey, MultiContextKey } from 'context-values';

const key1 = new SingleContextKey<string>('key1');
const key2 = new SingleContextKey<number>('key2', { byDefault: ctx => ctx.get('key1').length });
const key3 = new MultiContextKey<number>('key3');

const registry = new ContextRegistry();

registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 'value' });

const context = registry.newValues();

context.get(key1); // 'value'
context.get(key2); // 6 - evaluated, as it is not provided
context.get(key2, { or: null }); // null - fallback value always takes precedence
context.get(key3); // [] - MultiContextKey uses it as a default value, unless explicitly specified

registry.provide({ a: key2, value: 999 });

context.get(key2); // 999 - provided explicitly

Custom Context Key

It is possible to implement a custom ContextKey.

For that extend e.g. a SimpleContextKey that implements the boilerplate. The only method left to implement then is a grow() one.

The grow() method takes a single ContextValueOpts parameter containing the value construction options and returns a context value constructed out of the provided value sources.

Value Sources and Seeds

Instead of the value itself, the registry allows to provide its sources. Those are combined into value seed. That is passed to ContextKey.grow() method to construct the value (or grow it from the seed).

There could be multiple sources per single value. And they could be of different type.

For example, the seed of SimpleValueKey and MultiValueKey is an AIterable instance. The latter is enhanced Iterable with Array-like API, including map(), flatMap(), forEach(), and other methods.

import { AIterable } from 'a-iterable';
import { 
} from 'context-values';

class ConcatContextKey<Src> extends SimpleContextKey<string, Src> {

  constructor(name: string) {

  grow<Ctx extends ContextValues>(
    opts: ContextValueOpts<Ctx, string, Src, AIterable<Src>>,
  ): string | null | undefined {
    const result = opts.seed.reduce((p, s) => p != null ? `${p}, ${s}` : `${s}`, null);
    if (result != null) {
      return result;

    // No sources provided. Returning empty string, unless a fallback value provided.    
    return opts.byDefault(() => '');


const key1 = new ConcatContextKey<number>('my-numbers');
const key2 = new ConcatContextKey<string>('my-string');

const registry = new ContextRegistry();

registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 1 });
registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 2 });
registry.provide({ a: key1, is: 3 });

const context = registry.newValues();

context.get(key1); // '1, 2, 3' - concatenated value
context.get(key2); // '' - empty string by default 
context.get(key2, { or: undefined }); // undefined - fallback value 

A context value for particular key is constructed at most once. Thus, the grow() method is called at most once per key.

A context value specifier is consulted at most once per key. And only when the grow() method requested the source value. So, for example, if multiple sources specified for the same SingleContextKey, only the last one will be constructed and used as a context value. The rest of them won't be constructed at all.

Updatable Context Values

A SimpleContextKey, and thus SingleContextKey and MultiContextKey extending it, imply that once the associated context value constructed, it no longer changes. I.e. event though more sources provided for the same key in ContextRegistry, they won't affect the already constructed value.

However, it is possible to update context values. For that a ContextUpKey abstract context value key implementation may be used, or SingleContextUpKey and MultiContextUpKey implementations.

They provide an AfterEvent keeper of value. The receivers registered in this keeper would receive the actual value each time it changes. E.g. when new value source is provided in ContextRegistry.

This functionality is implemented in context-value/updatable sub-module and depends on fun-events.

import { ContextRegistry } from 'context-values'; 
import { SingleContextUpKey } from 'context-values/updatable';

const key = new SingleContextUpKey<string>('updatable-value');
const registry = new ContextRegistry();

registry.provide({ a: key, is: 'initial' });

const values = registry.newValues();

values.get(key)(value => console.log(value)); // Log: 'initial'

registry.provide({ a: key, is: 'updated' }); // Log: 'updated'