
This utility library provides multiple functionalities like covert number of months into years, convert years into number of months, number of days in a month of year, year is leap year or not, get number of weekends, get remaining days in month or year etc.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import convertMonthsYear from '';



This utility library provides multiple functionalities like covert number of months into years, convert years into number of months, number of days in a month of year, year is leap year or not, get number of weekends, get remaining days in month or year etc.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save convert-months-year


  • getYearsFromMonth

This method accept the number of months and returns the years.

  • getMonthsFromYear

This method accept the number of years and returns the months.

  • daysInMonth

This method accept two arguments, first is month(MM) and second is year(YYYY) and returns the number of days.

  • isLeapYear

This method accept one arguments which is year(YYYY) and returns true or false.

  • getNumberOfWeekEnds

This method accept two arguments first is year(YYYY) and second is month(MM) and returns the number of saturdays and sundays with date.

  • getRemainingDaysInMonth

This method returns the number of days left in current month.

  • getRemainingDaysInYear

This method returns the number of days left in current year.

import YM from 'convert-months-year'

var YM = require('convert-months-year');

Usage of getYearsFromMonth

console.log(YM.getYearsFromMonth(10)); //Output: {years: 0, months: 10}
console.log(YM.getYearsFromMonth('10')); //Output: {years: 0, months: 10}
console.log(YM.getYearsFromMonth('15')); //Output: {years: 1, months: 3}
console.log(YM.getYearsFromMonth(15)); //Output: {years: 1, months: 3}

Usage of getMonthsFromYear

console.log(YM.getMonthsFromYear(2)); //Output : {months: 24}
console.log(YM.getMonthsFromYear('2')); //Output : {months: 24}
console.log(YM.getMonthsFromYear(1.5)); //Output : {months: 17}
console.log(YM.getMonthsFromYear('1.5')); //Output : {months: 17}

Usage of daysInMonth

console.log(YM.daysInMonth("02", "2016")) //Output : 29
console.log(YM.daysInMonth("02", "2017")) //Output : 28
console.log(YM.daysInMonth("01", "2019")) //Output : 31

Usage of isLeapYear

console.log(YM.isLeapYear("2019")); //Output : false
console.log(YM.isLeapYear("2020")); //Output : true

Usage of getNumberOfWeekEnds

console.log(YM.getNumberOfWeekEnds("2019", "11")) //Output : {saturdays: 5, sundays: 4, saturdaysDates: Array(5), sundaysDates: Array(4)}

console.log(YM.getNumberOfWeekEnds("2019", "12")) //Output : {saturdays: 4, sundays: 5, saturdaysDates: Array(4), sundaysDates: Array(5)}

Usage of getRemainingDaysInMonth

console.log(YM.getRemainingDaysInMonth() //Output: 3

Usage of getRemainingDaysInYear

console.log(YM.getRemainingDaysInYear() //Output: 34


MIT © jitin-sardana