
This is a unofficial CLI for Convertkit.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import convertkitCli from '';


A Simple CLI for Convertkit

This is a unofficial CLI for Convertkit.

The Convertkit CLI

The Convertkit CLI lets you do four things:

  1. Get information about a subscriber
  2. List tags
  3. Add a tag to a subscriber
  4. Remove a tag from a subscriber

Why use this?

When I need to check a person's details on Convertkit, I need to log in to Convertkit and search for the person's email address. This process takes time, energy, and clicks.

I'm not in the state to check a website when I'm doing work. I want to find the person's information quickly and get stuff done.

This is why I created a command line interface for Convertkit.

Installing the CLI

You can install the CLI with npm:

npm install convertkit-cli --g

This lets you use the ck command.

Logging in

You need to provide your API Secret for the Convertkit CLI to work. You can find the API Secret [on your accounts settings page].

Your API Secret is kept safe in your computer, so don't worry about it leaking out :)

You use the login command to provide the API Secret.

ck login <API_SECRET>

Getting information about a subscriber

You can use the subscriber command to get information about a subscriber.

ck subscriber <email>

This returns the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. State
  4. Date created
  5. Tags
Gets a subscriber.

Listing Tags

You can use the tags command to list tags.

ck tags
Gets list of tags.

Tagging a subscriber

You can use the tagsub command to tag a subscriber. The tagsub command contains two subcommands.

  • add: Adds a tag to a subscriber
  • remove: Removes a tag from a subscriber

To tag a subscriber, you use tagsub add.

ck tagsub add <tag> <email>
Adds tag to subscriber

Removing a tag from a subscriber

To remove a tag from a subscriber, you use tagsub remove.

ck tagsub remove <tag> <email>
Removes tag from a subscriber

Contributions welcome!

This CLI is in an early stage draft. It's not perfect yet. But I want to push this out so people (other than myself) can use it.