
A Blockchain enabled WS-Agreement Framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import convictionSla from '';



A Blockchain enabled WS-Agreement Framework


To run this project you need to install the following software:

Getting Started

Clone the repository and run the command > npm install to install of of the necessary dependencies.

The API documentation can be found HERE.

To get the project up and running perform the following steps:

  • Launch paritys develpment chain
    • It is not necessary to unlock the account. If you do not unlock the account the password has to be included in the request body (add a variable pass).
> parity --chain=dev \ 
--jsonrpc-apis 'personal,web3,eth,pubsub,net,parity,parity_pubsub,traces,rpc,shh,shh_pubsub' \
--reseal-min-period 0 --gasprice 0 \ 
--unlock '0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72,0x62a81b5e5c27fb7926f5c4847d5269dffc5128a5' \
  • Get the ipfs node up and running: > ipfs daemon.
    • If you have not initialized ipfs you might have to do that by running > ipfs init.
  • Start the server by running:
    • > npx tsc -p "tsconfig.json" to compile the typescript files.
    • > npm start to launch the server.