
Get your website’s usage of cookies compliant with the European GDPR mandatory rules. Non-compliant organizations can risk fines up to 4% of the organization’s global yearly sales.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cookieConsentGdprApi from '';



Get your website’s usage of cookies compliant with the European GDPR mandatory rules. Non-compliant organizations can risk fines up to 4% of the organization’s global yearly sales.

This tool will help you to easily implement cookies bar and allow you to rapidly customize its features.

See the examples bellow:

Developer example | Production example


Including the library

CSS (include in the head):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-library/dist/cookie.min.css" /> 
Javascript (include at the end of the body):
<script src="path-to-library/dist/cookie.min.js"></script>


How to use

Insert the following code after adding the js library at the end of the body just like below:
var cookie_data = {
    lang: "en",
    logo_url: ""



In the example above there are two options:

Option Type Default Description
lang string en Defines the language in which you want to display the text.
logo_url string null This is the path to the logo of the company. It must be absolute.


The list of available languages is the following :

  • en (English);
  • es (Spanish);
  • pt (Portuguese);


You'll not need more than this to initialize, but if you're not satisfied with the styles there are options that you can use to change them to.



Before showing every option of the styles, here is a full example of the code :
var cookie_data = {
    lang: "en",
    logo_url: "",
    styles: {
        stickyFooter: {
            bgColor: "#d0d1d0",
            textColor: "#000000",
            definitionsButton: {
                textColor: "#007e9c",
                borderColor: "transparent",
                hoverTextColor: "#007e9c",
                hoverBorderColor: "#007e9c"
            acceptButton: {
                bgColor: "#007e9c",
                bgHoverColor: "transparent",
                borderColor: "#007e9c",
                hoverBorderColor: "#007e9c",
                textColor: "white",
                hoverTextColor: "#007e9c"
        modal: {
            closeButtonColor: "#000",
            header: {
                bgColor: "#ffffff",
                bottomBorderColor: "#d0d1d0"
            middle: {
                bgColor: "#ffffff",
                navBar: {
                    linkTextColor: "#6d6d6d",
                    linkBorderColor: "transparent",
                    linkActiveTextColor: "#000000",
                    linkActiveBorderColor: "#007e9c"
                details: {
                    titleColor: "#000000",
                    textColor: "#000000",
                    checkSymbolColor: "#bc5592"
            footer: {
                bgColor: "#fff",
                provider: {
                    textColor: "#000000",
                    linkColor: "#007e9c",
                    hoverLinkColor: "#007e9c",
                    linkBorderColor: "transparent",
                    hoverLinkBorderColor: "#007e9c"
                acceptButton: {
                    bgColor: "#007e9c",
                    bgHoverColor: "transparent",
                    borderColor: "#007e9c",
                    hoverBorderColor: "#007e9c",
                    textColor: "#fff",
                    hoverTextColor: "#007e9c"



As you can see the styles are divided in various sections, lets get through them one by one:


Option Type Default Description
bgColor string null Defines the background of the footer
textColor string null Defines the color of the text which is at the left side of the stickyFooter
Option Type Default Description
textColor string null Initial color of the definitions button
borderColor string null Initial color of the border of the the definitions button
hoverTextColor string null Color of the definitions button when it's hovered
hoverBorderColor string null Color of the border of the definitions buttons when it's hovered
Option Type Default Description
bgColor string null Initial background color of the accept button
bgHoverColor string null Background color when the accept button is hovered
borderColor string null Initial border color of the accept button
hoverBorderColor string null Border color when the accept button is hovered
textColor string null Initial text color of the accept button
hoverTextColor string null Text color of the accept button
Option Type Default Description
closeButtonColor string null Color of the close button "X" in the top right corner of the modal
Option Type Default Description
bgColor string null Initial background color of the header
bottomBorderColor string null Inital bottom border color of the header
Option Type Default Description
bgColor string null Initial background color of the middle
Option Type Default Description
linkTextColor string null Initial text color of the links of the nav bar
linkBorderColor string null Initial bottom border color of the links of the nav bar
linkActiveTextColor string null Text color of the links of the nav bar when it's active
linkActiveBorderColor string null Botttom border color of the links of the nav bar when it's active
Option Type Default Description
titleColor string null Initial color of the titles in the left side of the middle content
textColor string null Initial color of the text on the left side of the middle content
checkSymbolColor string null Initial color of the check symbol on the left side of the middle content
Option Type Default Description
bgColor string null Initial background color of the footer
Option Type Default Description
textColor string null Initial provider text color
linkColor string null Initial provider link color
hoverLinkColor string null Provider link color when it's hovered
linkBorderColor string null Initial provider link border color
hoverLinkBorderColor string null Provider link border color when it's hovered
Option Type Default Description
bgColor string null Initial modal accept button background color
bgHoverColor string null Modal accept button background color when it's hovered
borderColor string null Initial modal accept button border color
hoverBorderColor string null Modal accept button border color when it's hovered
textColor string null Initial modal accept button text color
hoverTextColor string null Modal accept button text color when it´s hovered