
Using JavaScript objects as an interface for working with cookies in the browser

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cookieio from '';



Using JavaScript objects as an interface for working with cookies in the browser


The library relates key-value pairs of cookie entries to property-value pairs of a JavaScript object and vice versa. It also allows placing constraints on the size of entries being stored.


Reading entries

var cookies = CookieIO.getObject({/**settings**/});

Writing entries

var obj = {a: "a", b: "b"};
var success = CookieIO.saveObject(obj, {/**settings**/});

Deleting entries

CookieIO.subtractObject({a: "a", b: "b"}); 
CookieIO.subtractObject( CookieIO.getObject() ); //delete all

Default settings

var defaultSettings = {
    /**work modifiers**/
    nEncoder: encodeURIComponent,
    nDecoder: decodeURIComponent,
    vEncoder: encodeURIComponent,
    vDecoder: decodeURIComponent,
    reducer: null,
    rCallLim: 2000,
    globLimit: 2048,
    locLimit: null,
    names: null,
    inverse: false,
    /**cookie attributes**/
    expires: null, days: 365, maxAge: null,
    path: null,
    domain: null,
    secure: null,
    samesite: null,
//if a cookie attribute is set to a value *null*
//it means it should be ignored.

Settings description

  • nEncoder: cookie name encoder
  • nDecoder: cookie name decoder
  • vEncoder: cookie value encoder
  • vDecoder: cookie value decoder
  • globLimit: a limit on the overall size of encoded key-value pairs, that is what is transferred to the server
  • locLimit: a limit on the size of encoded key-value pairs for the object passed for saving, if both limits are set both will be taken into account. If it is impossible to place the data within either limit the operation will be aborted.
  • reducer: if an encoded string of entries to be stored exceeds the specified limits this function is called to delete some data from the object until it's possible to place the object into these boundaries. This function accepts the object and is meant to return a smaller object, or null or false if the object cannot be anymore minified to abort the operation. the number of invocation is passed as the second argument, starting with 0.
  • rCallLim: a limit defining a maximal number of reducer invocations, if it exceeded the limit the operation is aborted
  • names: an array listing the names that will be filtered, or null for no filtering
  • inverse: if the value is false, the data with names/keys the filter array contains will only be extracted, otherwise anything but that.
  • expires/days/maxAge: these attributes result in a value of the cookie attribute Expires, defining an expiration date of entries, expires can be assigned to a timestamp of that date or a Date object, days can be assigned to a numeric value defining the lifetime in days and maxAge defines this period in seconds. To specify the lifetime as session-long any of these attributes should be assigned to a value null.

Overriding settings

There are two ways of overriding: creating a new instance with binding a new settings object that will redefine some of the base instance settings or by passing a settings object directly to the invoked method. if some property isn't ever specified it is inherited from the default settings.

var commonCookies = CookieIO.getInstance({days: 700});
var base64Cookies = commonCookies.getInstance({
    vEncoder: commonCookies.base64Encoder,
    vDecoder: commonCookies.base64Decoder,
var objectCookies = commonCookies.getInstance({
    vEncoder: commonCookies.objectEncoder,
    vDecoder: commonCookies.objectDecoder,

Predefined encoders / decoders

//they also available on instances
CookieIO.base64Encoder //btoa(v)
CookieIO.base64Decoder //atob(v)
CookieIO.objectEncoder //encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(v))
CookieIO.objectDecoder //JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(v))
CookieIO.defaultEncoder //encodeURIComponent
CookieIO.defaultDecoder //decodeURIComponent
CookieIO.passThru //v => v

Default reducer

The default reducer deletes one object property per call starting with ones added most recently until the object gets small enough to meet the constraints or if it is impossible to add a single entry the operation will be aborted.



var cookieIO = CookieIO.getInstance({
    globLimit: 192,
    days: 90,

var regularCookies = cookieIO.getInstance({
    names: ["_reg_a", "_reg_b"],
    vEncoder: cookieIO.base64Encoder,
    vDecoder: cookieIO.base64Decoder,
    locLimit: 48,
    "_reg_a": "abcdefghijab",
    "_reg_b": "abcdefghi",

var objectCookies = cookieIO.getInstance({
    names: ["_obj_a", "_obj_b" ],
    vEncoder: cookieIO.objectEncoder,
    vDecoder: cookieIO.objectDecoder,
    locLimit: 96,
    reducer: function(obj, callCounter) {
        if ( "_obj_b" in obj ) {
            if ( obj["_obj_b"].length > 0 ) {
                return obj;
            } else {
                delete obj["_obj_b"];
                return obj;
        } else if ( "_obj_a" in obj ) {
            delete obj["_obj_a"];
            return obj;
        } else {
            return null; //abort operation
            //return {}; //delete entries
    "_obj_b": [ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 ],
    "_obj_a": { a: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], b: "abcd" },
}); //"_obj_b" array will contain only two elements

var temporaryCookies = cookieIO.getInstance({
    names: ["_obj_a", "_obj_b", "_reg_a", "_reg_b"],
    inverse: true,
    expires: null,
    locLimit: 48,
    reducer: cookieIO.defaultReducer,
    "_tmp_a": "01234567890123456789",
    "_tmp_b": "0123456789",
    "_tmp_c": "0123456789", //won't be saved

console.log( temporaryCookies.getObject() );
console.log( regularCookies.getObject() );
console.log( objectCookies.getObject() );

temporaryCookies.subtractObject( temporaryCookies.getObject() );
regularCookies.subtractObject( regularCookies.getObject() );
objectCookies.subtractObject( objectCookies.getObject() );