
A cookieless identifier for user tracking by exploting etags.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cookieless from '';


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Cookieless user tracking for node.js

Cookieless.js is a lightweight implementation of visitor's tracking using ETag for Node.js. It may be used on its own or along side other tracking methods (cookies or browser fingerprinting), so whenever one solution fails, you may fallback to a back up one.

Read more about ETag here.

This package allows you to use the visitor's information both server side and client side by providing a JSONP API.


npm install cookieless --save


npm test


Server side

The following example starts a tracking beacon at:

var CookielessTracker = require('cookieless');

Note: it's not mandatory to start a beacon, you may handle the requests
      yourself and just use the tracker's API
CookielessTracker.startBeacon(7123, '', function(visitor) {

Client side (browser)

    url: "",
    jsonp: "callback",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    success: function( visitor ) {
        //Do something
        trackImpressionFor(, visitor.session); //example


(static) startBeacon(port=7123, host='', onVisitorCallback)

The easiest way of hit the ground running is by using the built-in lightweight beacon, which starts a listener and processes the tracking requests. If a onVisitorCallback function is given, it will be called everytime a visitor calls the endpoint.

var CookielessTracker = require('cookieless');
CookielessTracker.startBeacon(7123, '', function(visitor) {
  console.log("Visitor " + + " has visited us " + visitor.session +
              " times. Last time was on " + visitor.lastSeen);

The endpoint will be available at and the response will be:

; typeof setVisitor === 'function' && setVisitor({id: 31428830410917,session: 3,lastSeen: 1428830410917});

Contructor(request, update=true)

Initializes a new visitor (may be returning visitor) from a request. If it is a new visitor it will automatically generate a new unique ETag.

If update is set to true, it will automatcally update the visitor's session if they were last seen over 30 minutes ago. (Otherwise you'll have to manually call the update API).

var CookielessTracker = require('cookieless');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  var visitor = new CookielessTracker(req);
  console.log("This visitor is on his " + visitor.session + " visit!");

respond([callback,] res)

Given a response object, it will build and send a JSONP response to the visitor with the callback function name (if given). It is a combination of statusCode(), buildHeader(), and buildScript(). (Important: the callback function name should be set and never changed, otherwise the tracking will be reset)

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  var visitor = new CookielessTracker(req);
  // Do something
  visitor.respond('setVisitor', res);


Builds the JSONP script with the visitor's information, the callback argument is a string with name of the callback function for the JSONP response. (If the request has a callback set in the query string, it will be the default value)

//; typeof setVisitor === 'function' && setVisitor({id: 31428830410917,session: 3,lastSeen: 1428830410917});


Builds the header for the response including the identifier ETag.

  'Content-Type': 'text/javascript',
  'ETag': "31428830410917.1428830410917.3"


It gives the most appropriate status code for a tracking response. The response only changes when the session number gets updated, in that case the stattus will be 200, any other case should return 304.

var visitor = new CookielessTracker(req);
res.writeHead(visitor.statusCode(), visitor.buildHeader());