
Generator of cool strings.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coolstrings from '';



Technically cool strings generator.


This module generates random strings which we can treat as cool.

String coolness?

Yeah. String coolness defined as set of logic rules:

  • First character of cool word can't differs from the edges of alphabet by more than half of alphabet length:
    • a > ⌈ b / 2 ⌉ or abs(a - b) > ⌈ b / 2 ⌉, where a is first character, b is a count of alphabet characters.
  • Each following character of cool string differs from previous by alphabet length divided by 2:
    • abs(an-1 - an) > ⌈ b / 2 ⌉, where a is a string and b is a count of alphabet characters.


Well, there's kinda weird expain for this...

Did you know that there is Russian phrase "крутой склон", which means slope with angle more than 45°. So, its whole phrase, but we will use it in another point for our explanation: word "крутой" means "cool" in translation (I know that in phrase it refers to acute angle). 45° is half of an acute angle, that's the rule for differences. I know it's weird and hard to understand, so there are some images:

Graph String



This module exports a class. You can use it as following:

new CoolStrings(marvelousParameters)


marvelousParameters = {
    alphabet: [ 'a', 'b' ... ], // Alphabet array
    min: 3 // Minimum characters in a cool word



This property returns default marvelousParameters.



Returns a Promise.

When it resolved it returns a cool string.


Returns a Promise.

The same as new but every time string generates randomly until it reaches a minimum.

timeout - time in milliseconds when Promise will be forcibly resolved if no cool enough word generated.

setParameter(parameter, value)

Returns a marvelousParameters.

Allows to set a parameter for marvelousParameters.

parameter - min or alphabet

value - new value.

isCoolString(string, marvelousParameters)

Returns a Boolean.

It checks whatever provided string is cool enough.

string - a string which pretends to be cool.


Internal function

Returns a Promise.

When it resolved it returns a random index for alphabet.


Internal function

Returns a Promise.

When it resolved it returns a cool random index for alphabet.

prevChar - index for alphabet for a previous character.


Internal function

Returns a Promise.

When it resolved it returns a cool random index for alphabet.

charOfAlphabet(char, marvelousParameters)

Internal function

Returns a Number.

It returns a cool index of providing character for a provided alphabet.

char - index for alphabet for a character.

isCoolCharacter(char, parameter, marvelousParameters)

Internal function

Returns a Boolean.

It checks whatever is providing character cool enough for the previous.

char - index for alphabet for a character.

parameter - index for alphabet for a previous character or true if it need to check whatever is provided character cool enough to became the first one.


Internal function

Returns a Boolean.

It checks whatever is providing alphabet is cool enough.

alphabet - the same as marvelousParameters.alphabet.


Internal function

Returns a Boolean.

It checks whatever is providing parameters is cool enough.

parameters - the same as marvelousParameters.


(async function() {
    try {
        const CoolStrings = require('coolstrings');
        const coolString = new CoolStrings();

        coolString.setParameter('alphabet', ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']);
        coolString.setParameter('min', 15);
        console.log(await; //  818291808070919
        console.log(await coolString.newCrypto()); // { timeout: true, time: [ 2, 501548637 ], string: '8192817' }
        console.log(coolString.isCoolString('D.Va'.split('.').join('')), coolString.defaultParameters); // true
    } catch (e) {
const coolString = new (require('coolstrings'))();
var ic = (...args) => { return, ...args) }

console.log(ic('Dva')); // true


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