
coop-frctl-theme is a Fractal theme, based on Mandelbrot.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coopFrctlTheme from '';



Coop web UI theme for Fractal.

See the Fractal documentation for details on configuration and usage.


To develop and test the theme inside a fractal project, create the themes folder at the root of your project and clone this repo inside it.

Move into the theme folder

cd themes/coop-frctl-theme/


npm link

This will tell your local npm installation that the coop-frctl-theme library can be linked into other projects

Now head over to the project that needs to use coop-frctl-theme

cd ../..

and run this:

npm link themes/coop-frctl-theme

Than you can launch your fractal project (via gulp).

This allows you to modify and see the modifies on the theme in real time without pushing on the repo.

Related links

Develop local node modules

Customize Web UI themes in Fractal