Welcome to Copyscape!
This is a library to use Copyscape API.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 0.10 or higher is required.
Installation is done using the npm install
$ npm install copyscape --save
To use in Node.js
const copyscape = require('copyscape')
We have just 3 functions so far:
- getBalance
- searchFromText
- searchFromURL
Note: Every function return a Promise. Default response from API Copyscape was parse from XML to JSON.
copyscape.getBalance(params).then( response => {
console.log('balance', response)
Required parameters
- user
- apiKey
Optional parameters
- operation (default is 'balance' - just that is allowed to get balance)
- format (default is xml - html not works yet)
copyscape.searchFromText(params).then( response => {
console.log('copies from text', response)
Required parameters
- user
- apiKey
- text
Optional parameters
- encoding (default is 'UTF-8)
- operation (default is 'csearch' - psearch or cpsearch not works yet)
- comparisons (default is 0)
- format (default is xml - html not works yet)
- ignore (comma-delimited domains to ignore)
- limit (value in dollars, e.g. 0.50)
- example (default is none - set to 1 to run tests on API)
copyscape.searchFromURL(params).then( response => {
console.log('copies from text', response)
Required parameters
- user
- apiKey
- query (urlencoded URL)
Optional parameters
- operation (default is 'csearch' - psearch or cpsearch not works yet)
- comparisons (default is 0)
- format (default is xml - html not works yet)
- ignore (comma-delimited domains to ignore)
- limit (value in dollars, e.g. 0.50)
- example (default is none - set to 1 to run tests on API)
Test Example
To test if everything is fine, create a test.js file:
( async () => {
const copyscape = require('copyscape')
// To get user and apiKey:
const params = {
user: 'YOUR-USER',
apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY',
example: 1
copyscape.getBalance(params).then( response => {
console.log('balance', response)
copyscape.searchFromText(params).then( response => {
console.log('copies from text', response)
copyscape.searchFromURL(params).then( response => {
console.log('copies from url', response)
and run file:
$ node test
Private Index
Copyscape Private Index allows you to check for duplication and plagiarism within your own content, even if it is not online or has not been indexed by search engines.
This feature it's not working yet, maybe in the future. Be free to help us developing this feature.
We're looking for co-maintainers! If you want to become a master of time please write to Gleidson Henrique.
Note: This library is maintained individually, not developed by Copyscape.