
Easy update your cordova app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaAdhocUpdate from '';





This is an experiment! Do not use in production

Compatible with:

  • iOS
  • Android (working on it, PR welcome)


Few lines and some examples to show you how cordova-adhoc-update works. First of all, forget this is something you can use for public app (published in stores), you want to use this only for adhoc / enterprise app.

Usually what you do to makes you users update an app, is to publish a new .ipa (iOS) or .apk (Android) somewhere on internet and send an email to them with the link (ok, you have to prepare a landing page with a link pointing to itms-something and a properly written .plist).

What cordova-adhoc-update does is to automate this process for you.


npm i cordova-adhoc-update --save

CLI Usage

cordova-adhoc-update comes with a beautiful cli interface that let you do these boring operation a breeze.

Let's assume you have an .ipa ready for production, you only need to make cordova-adhoc-update do its job:


This command will do a lot of things starting from your cordova config.xml and your npm package.json files.

  1. Create a directory called appupdate (you can change it using -o flag)

  2. Create an iOS app.plist file based on your current cordova configuration The .plist needs a package name, a version , the bundle id, and url used to publish our .ipa package (taken from the homepage field of your package.json file or specified with the -u flag) and optionally a description

  3. Create an nice index.html pointing to the previous created app.plist with the itms-service:// stuff...

  4. Copy the icon specified in your config.xml

cd appupdate
python3 -m http-server

# or if you are a node.js guy
http-server -p 8000 
  1. Create a manifest.json with all the info needed by the client to know if this is a new release or the current one

JS Usage

import appupdate from 'cordova-adhoc-update'

appupdate.check('', current_app_release )
  .then( (rel) => {
    console.log('Hey man, we have a new release here')
    console.log('is the %s', rel.release)
    console.log('with this changelog: %s', rel.changelog)
    // if you wanna update