
forked from

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaCameraCustom from '';


Cordova Plugin Camera Preview

Cordova plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code for showing camera preview below or above the HTML.

March 4, 2017 - We are currently drastically improving the plugin for a v1.0.0 release, in the meantime the API may change slightly. Please use master until a new version is released.

PR's are greatly appreciated. If your interested in maintainer status please create a couple PR's and then contact


  • Start a camera preview from HTML code.
  • Drag the preview box.
  • Set camera color effect.
  • Send the preview box to back of the HTML content.
  • Set a custom position for the camera preview box.
  • Set a custom size for the preview box.
  • Set a custom alpha for the preview box.
  • Maintain HTML interactivity.

Android only features

These are some features that are currently Android only, however we would love to see PR's for this functionality in iOS.

  • Zoom
  • Auto focus
  • Torch flash mode


Use any one of the installation methods listed below depending on which framework you use.

cordova plugin add

ionic plugin add

meteor add cordova:cordova-plugin-camera-preview@[latest_commit_id]

<plugin spec="" source="git" />


startCamera(options, [successCallback, errorCallback])

Starts the camera preview instance.

**Options:** All options stated are optional and will default to values here
  • x - Defaults to 0
  • y - Defaults to 0
  • width - Defaults to window.screen.width
  • height - Defaults to window.screen.height
  • camera - Options are 'front' and 'rear' - Defaults to 'rear'
  • toBack - Defaults to false - Set to true if you want your html in front of your preview
  • tapPhoto - Defaults to true - Does not work if toBack is set to false in which case you use the takePicture method
  • previewDrag - Defaults to true - Does not work if toBack is set to false
CameraPreview.startCamera({x: 0, y: 0, width: window.screen.width, height: window.screen.height, camera: "front", toBack: false, tapPhoto: true, previewDrag: false});

When setting the toBack to true, remember to add the style below on your app's HTML or body element:

html, body {
  background-color: transparent;

stopCamera([successCallback, errorCallback])

Stops the camera preview instance.


switchCamera([successCallback, errorCallback])

Switch between the rear camera and front camera, if available.


show([successCallback, errorCallback])

Show the camera preview box.;

hide([successCallback, errorCallback])

Hide the camera preview box.


takePicture(options, successCallback, [errorCallback])

Take the picture. It defaults to max supported picture resolution if no width or height specified. If width and height are specified, it will choose a supported photo size that is closest to width and height specified and has closest aspect ratio to the preview. The argument quality defaults to 85 and specifies the quality/compression value: 0=max compression, 100=max quality.

CameraPreview.takePicture({width:640, height:640, quality: 85}, function(base64PictureData){
    base64PictureData is base64 encoded jpeg image. Use this data to store to a file or upload.
    Its up to the you to figure out the best way to save it to disk or whatever for your application.

  // One simple example is if you are going to use it inside an HTML img src attribute then you would do the following:
  imageSrcData = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' +base64PictureData;
  $('img#my-img').attr('src', imageSrcData);

// OR if you want to use the default options.

  /* code here */

setFlashMode(flashMode, [successCallback, errorCallback])

Set the flash mode. Available flash modes are off, on, auto, torch. Torch mode is currently Android only


setColorEffect(colorEffect, [successCallback, errorCallback])

Set the color effect.
iOS Effects: none, mono, negative, posterize, sepia.
Android Effects: none, mono, negative, posterize, sepia, aqua, blackboard, solarize, whiteboard


setZoom(zoomMultiplier, [successCallback, errorCallback])

Set the zoom level. zoomMultipler option accepts an integer. Zoom level is initially at 1


setPreviewSize([dimensions, successCallback, errorCallback])

Change the size of the preview window.

CameraPreview.setPreviewSize({width: window.screen.width, height: window.screen.height});

getSupportedPictureSizes(cb, [errorCallback])

  // note that the portrait version, width and height swapped, of these dimensions are also supported
  dimensions.forEach(function(dimension) {
    console.log(dimension.width + 'x' + dimension.height);

IOS Quirks

It is not possible to use your computers webcam during testing in the simulator, you must device test.

Sample App

cordova-plugin-camera-preview-sample-app for a complete working Cordova example for Android and iOS platforms.



Maintained by Weston Ganger - @westonganger

Created by Marcel Barbosa Pinto @mbppower