
BlackBerry 10 Community Contributed API to unzip files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginBbZip from '';




  • extraction (unzipping) of zip archives for html5 under Blackberry 10.
  • compression (zipping) of a single file or multiple files for html5 under Blackberry 10.

Version History

1.0.0 Initial Release
1.1.0 Adds compression of files
1.1.1 Adds compression of multiple files and directories
1.1.2 Fixes issue with compressing files that don't exist

Tested On

  • BlackBerry
  • Webworks
  • Dev Alpha C


Including the feature in your application

This API can be installed from source or from NPM. Installation from NPM is done through the following:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bb-zip

Installation from source is the same but instead of the id ("cordova-plugin-bb-zip"), use the file system path to the source plugin folder.

Extraction API Examples

Example of API usage

function extractFile(fileName) {
            zip: 'folder1/' + zipFilename,
            destination: 'folder2/destination',
            overwriteFiles: true,
            tarBombProtection: false,
            callbackToken: '',

function onExtractCompletion(status) {	
    if (status.result < 0) {
        alert("Extraction Failed");

    } else {
        alert("Extracted " + + " to " + status.destination);
    console.log("Extraction returned with token: " + status.callbackToken);

Extraction API Details

The API takes an option object and a callback function. The following options are supported.


Required: As you can guess an unknown zip cannot be extracted. The path and file name to the zip file which is to be extracted.

Default: none! This argument is required!


The folder into which the zip will be extracted.

Default: './', Current working directory.


If already existing files should be overwritten by those within the zip.

Default: true, Files will be overwritten.


If true any zips which do not contain a folder as the root will extracted into a new folder named after the zip archives name.

Default: false.


String which will be passed back without alteration upon callback. If not given callbackToken will contain a copy of the zip argument. Use this argument for concurrent zip extraction to differentiate between callbacks.

Default: duplicate of zip argument.

Compression API Examples

### Example of API usage for single file compression
function compressFile(filePath) {
            filePath: filePath, // filePath = "./app/native/res/zip/fileToCompress.txt"
            destination: "./app/native/res/zip/",
            callbackToken: ''

### Example of API usage for multiple files or directories compression
function compressFile(filePath) {
            filePath: filePath, // filePath = "./app/native/res/zip/aaaa.txt:./app/native/res/zip/3"
            destination: "./tmp/case/",
            callbackToken: ''

function onCompressionCompletion(status) {	
    if (status.result < 0) {
        alert("Compression Failed");

    } else {
        alert("Compression Succeeded to destination: " + status.callbackToken);
    console.log("Compression returned with token: " + status.callbackToken);

Compression API Details

The API takes an option object and a callback function. The following options are supported.


Required: As you can guess an unknown file cannot be compressed. The directory and file name (the path) to the file which is to be compressed. MUST BE A PROPER PATH -- directory + file name For multiple files and directories compression, use : as a delimeter. All the files and directories inside a directory will be added to compression list by the crawler function, users do not need to input each single file or directory in specific.

Default: none! This argument is required!


The path destination into which the file will be compressed. Must end with .zip extension.

Default: none! This argument is required!


String which will be passed back without alteration upon callback. If not given callbackToken will contain a copy of the zipDestinationPath argument. Use this argument for concurrent zip compression to differentiate between callbacks.

Default: duplicate of zipDestinationPath argument.