
Generates a one time password

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginCodigocaixa from '';


CodigoCaixa OTP Cordova

Cordova plugin for OTP depends on BarcodeScanner to be able to easly obtain the secret

Project Info
License: MIT
Build: Cordova Plugin

To install

cordova create <project-name>
cd <project-name>
cordova platform add android
cordova plugin add <location-of-this-plugin>
cordova build


Copy example/* into the www folder of your project and press the OTP button. Initially it will fire up the BarcodeScanner to scan a QR code with an url like otpauth://totp/username?secret=7SPQJZ7CDF7NTKJ2 this secret will be stored and then later used to generate One Time Passwords

Plugin API

var totp = new CodigoCaixa.Totp();
totp.generate(function(result) { /* result is the otp */ });

or seperate methods

String secret = "B2374TNIQ3HKC446";
// initialize OTP
var generator = new CodigoCaixa.Totp(secret);
// generate token
generator.generateOTP(function(result) { /* result is the otp */ });