
Use this plugin to encrypt and decrypt data sensitive data. Its useful when we want to persist some sensitive data e.g. access token, on application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginDataencryption from '';



Its based on below encryption libraries

Data Encryption Cordova Plugin

Use this plugin to encrypt and decrypt data sensitive data. Its useful when we want to persist some sensitive data e.g. access token, on application.


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dataencryption --save

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS

How does it work?

  • Set key - Define encryption key(strong enough) which will be used to encrypt and decrypt your data. setKey API is called to persist a key on native storage in a format of (key, value) pair. It enables us to be able to use different keys for different encryption. During encryption/decryption we need to pass the key name(not the value) to be used for encryption/decryption. Setting keys should be the very first things we need to do. If you want to make it more secure then you can also use a passcode which will be used in combination with the key to encrypt your data.
  • Get Key - If your key was persisted using setKey API, getKey API will return your key value.
  • Encryption - Call encrypt API, along with raw data, key name and passcode(optional) to encrypt your raw data.
  • Decryption - Call decrypt API, along with encrypted data, key name and passcode(optional) to decrypt your encrypted data.


On deviceReady event(or there after) we have to perform all our actions

Data Encryption

let data = 'Dilip Sarkar';
let encKey = 'RWZFSjazKOmUgu02';
let passcode = '12345';

DataEncryption.setKey(function (r) {
    if (r.status === 'Success') {
        DataEncryption.encrypt(function (encryptedData) {
            if (encryptedData.status === 'Success') {
                alert('Encrypted data: '+encryptedData.value);
                console.log('Encrypted data: '+encryptedData.value);
                localStorage.setItem('data', encryptedData.value);
        }, 'encKey', data, passcode);
}, 'encKey', encKey);

Data Decryption

let encData = 'your_encrypted_data';
let passcode = 'your_passcode';//same as encryption passcode

DataEncryption.decrypt(function (decryptedData) {
    if (decryptedData.status === 'Success') {
        alert('Decrypted data: '+decryptedData.value);
}, 'encKey', encData, passcode);
