This plugin is an Ionic Cordova wrapper for the Google Consent SDK. Google Consent SDK is used for asking users in the European Economic Area (EEA) for permission to display personalized ads.
Version 0.2.0 / 2018-08-24: Plugin now supports iOS as platform. Many thanks to einaregilsson and RaudasHugbunadur, who created the iOS version of the plugin.
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-google-consent
Ionic Include
Include the plugin in your app.module.ts
import {Consent} from '../../plugins/cordova-plugin-google-consent/www/consent-typescript-wrapper';
providers: [
export class AppModule { }
AdMob Settings
In order to use Google Consent SDK, two points must be fulfilled (see
- you cannot use AdMob Mediation
- you cannot use more than 12 ad technology providers (this one you have to change, default is a set from google with 200 providers or something, see
Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
- consent.verifyConsent
- consent.changeConsentDecision
Should be called (according to Google) on every app start. Checks and returns consent of the user. If the user has not made any consent decision yet, it asks the user for consent. If the user is not located in the EEA, no dialog is presented to the user. Only users in EEA can make a decision.
verifyConsent(publisherIds :Array<string>, privacyPolicyUrl :string, showProVersionOption :boolean, isDebug :boolean) :Promise<ConsentResult>
- publisherIds: Array of all your AdMob ID's used in the app. (see
- privacyPolicyUrl: URL to your GDPR conform privacy policy.
- showProVersionOption: If set to true, on the dialog is shown an option to the user, where he can choose to buy an ad-free pro version.
- isDebug: If set to true, the device acts like it is in the EEA, even if it is not.
interface ConsentResult {
consent: "PERSONALIZED" | "NON_PERSONALIZED" | "UNKNOWN" | null; // is UNKNOWN in case of the user has chosen to buy the pro option
isAdFree: boolean; // user has chosen the "buy the pro version" option on the dialog
hasShownDialog: boolean; // if false, user already made a decision earlier and there was no need to show the dialog
isNotInEea: boolean; // if true, user is not in EEA and can make no decision. No dialog has been shown to the user if this is the case. Ignore other results if this is the case, you can show personalized ads without asking.
Example (Ionic)
this.consent.verifyConsent(["pub-123xxxxxxx"], "", true, false)
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {
Example (Cordova)
window['Consent'].verifyConsent(publisherIds, privacyPolicyUrl, showProVersionOption, isDebug,
function(result) {/* do something with the result */},
function(error) {/* handle the error case */}
Method to change the made decision later. This option should be offered to the user in the settings, that he can change his decision at any time. This method has no check if a user is really in the EEA or not, the dialog is shown to every user. Use method verifyConsent first to determine if a user is in EEA or not.
changeConsentDecision(privacyPolicyUrl :string, showProVersionOption :boolean) :Promise<ConsentResult>
- privacyPolicyUrl: URL to your GDPR conform privacy policy.
- showProVersionOption: If set to true, on the dialog is shown an option to the user, where he can choose to buy an ad-free pro version.
interface ConsentResult {
consent: "PERSONALIZED" | "NON_PERSONALIZED" | "UNKNOWN" | null; // is UNKNOWN in case of the user has chosen to buy the pro option
isAdFree: boolean; // user has chosen the to buy the pro option on the dialog
hasShownDialog: boolean; // in this case is always true
isNotInEea: boolean; // in this case is always false, because there is no check if the user is really in EEA or not
Example (Ionic)
this.consent.changeConsentDecision("", true)
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {
Example (Cordova)
window['Consent'].changeConsentDecision(privacyPolicyUrl, showProVersionOption,
function(result) {/* do something with the result */},
function(error) {/* handle the error case */}
iOS specific issues
When installing the plugin on iOS it will download the Google Consent SDK and install it as a CocoaPod. It will also create a yourprojectname.xcworkspace file. To build your project for iOS you will need to open the .xcworkspace file in XCode and build it there, the command line build does not work correctly with workspaces instead of projects.