
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to select songs or audio files from iTunes Library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginIosaudiopicker from '';



Thanks to kukukk pull request, the plugin now support Android devices also. I have created a new repository with Android support here - The code in that repository has not been tested or checked. If you are using that version and found any issues, please file the bug report there. Also if you have fixed some issues found in the plugin, then please send a PR.


The plugin allows you to select the song from iOS music library and copy it in your app Document directory. Then you can use the cordova media plugin to play the song. Check the demo on how to play a song via media plugin.


cordova plugin add

Methods & Usage

  • To select the song from music library

success - will be called when the user has done selecting the songs. You can get the array of songs list using this

    function success(data)

error - will be called if there are any errors in exporting or selecting the songs

    function error(e)

multiple - a string variable which allows you the disable multiple songs selection from the user. You can either pass 'true' or 'false'

icloud - a string variable if sets 'true' will show the iCloud songs otherwise not.

    var multiple = 'true' // Will allow user to select multiple songs.
    var multiple = 'false' // Will allow user to select only one song.
    var icloud = 'true' // Will show iCloud songs.
    var icloud = 'false' // Will only show songs available locally on device.
  • To delete the song

option - To delete multiple files or single file. You can either pass 'true' or 'false'.

    var options = 'true' // Will delete multiple songs.
    var options = 'false' // Will delete only one song.

src - It depends on the value of option. If the option is true, then the src will be an array containing full path to file. Otherwise a string will single full path. The full path should not contain file://localhost or any encoded string like Value%20Space. It should start like this /var/mobile/....../file name.m4a. See demo for more information.