Cordova Material DateTime Picker
Based On : Material DateTime :
Cordova plugin : cordova-plugin-materialdatetime
Platforms available : android
install :
1 ) run cordova plugin add
2 ) use directly from the window
available cordova
Example :
let DatePickerargs = {
title: 'title',
color: '#c60808',
oktext: 'Ok', // OK button text
canceltext: 'No', // Cancel button text
mindate: '', // MUST BE IN dd-MM-yyyy format
maxdate: '', // MUST BE IN dd-MM-yyyy format
highlitedDates: ['', ''], // DATES MUST BE IN dd-MM-yyyy format
showyearpickerbeforemonth: false,
vibrateontouch: true,
autodismiss: true, // DIsmiss when choosing a date automatically
let Timepickerargs = {
title: 'title',
color: '#c60808',
oktext: '', // OK button text
canceltext: '', // Cancel button text
/* mintime:'', // ARRAY of HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS [23,12,44]
maxtime:'', // ARRAY of HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS [23,12,44]*/
enableSeconds: false,
enableminute: true,
vibrateontouch: true,
function (res) {
).catch(e => {
Docs :
The `CordovaMaterialDateTime` has only Two method : `TimePicker` and `DatePicker`.
The function arguments are a single object
Attribute | Description | Type |
title | a title to display on top of the timepicker | String |
color | the general color for the time picker. includes the circle headed arrow and the title | String, ex :#c60808 |
oktext | The text for the OK button | String |
canceltext | the text for the cancel button | String |
mintime | an array of the minimum time possible to pick : [hours,minutes,seconds] | Array of Int, ex [23,12,44] |
maxtime | an array of the maximum time possible to pick : [hours,minutes,seconds] | Array of Int, ex [23,12,44] |
enableSeconds | whether to enable or disable the seconds picker defaults to False | Boolean |
enableminute | whether to enable or disable the minutes picker defaults to False | Boolean |
vibrateontouch | Wether to vibrate when touching the time picker or not | Boolean |
The TimePicker
function returns a promise that resolves with the time chosen.
The function arguments are a single object
Attribute | Description | Type |
title | a title to display on top of the timepicker | String |
color | the general color for the time picker. includes the circle headed arrow and the title | String, ex :#c60808 |
oktext | The text for the OK button | String |
canceltext | the text for the cancel button | String |
mindate | an array of the minimum time possible to pick : [hours,minutes,seconds] | String, must be date in thedd-MM-yyyy format |
maxdate | an array of the maximum time possible to pick : [hours,minutes,seconds] | String, must be date in thedd-MM-yyyy format |
highlitedDates | Dates that are highlighted in the calendar : | Array of String,[] Strings must be date in the dd-MM-yyyy format |
showyearpickerbeforemonth | whether to show the year picker before the month's | Boolean |
vibrateontouch | whether to vibrate when touching the time picker or not | Boolean |
autodismiss | whether to dismiss the datepicker automatically when the user chooses a date | Boolean |
The DatePicker
function returns a promise that resolves with the chosen date.
Plugin.xml :
You may have to change the to a certain version.
Note that this version needs to be unique with all components in your app, so make sure you have it fixed.