
A plugin to enable the Ogury advertisement service on Cordova Android

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginOgury from '';



npm Maintenance

A plugin to enable the Ogury advertisement service on Cordova Android

IMPORTANT: This is not an official Ogury plugin. I have built it so Ogury is more suitable for build systems rather than manually editing files. I am not responsible for any problems or support if you use this plugin. I would accept PR's but will not provide Technical Support in any way. Thanks for understanding.

  • Ogury version included: 2.1.14.
  • Target Platform: Android.

I have not implemented the optional permissions of GET_ACCOUNTS, INSTALL_SHORTCUT and UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT at this time. They are commented out in the plugin.xml file.


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ogury --variable API_KEY="[YourApiKey]"


The Ogury Javascript functions are available to use in the app. Please see the Ogury documentation for more information. Example:

CPresage.adToServe(app.onAdEvent, app.onAdNotFound);