
This is a Cordova plugin which is supported officially by Yozio. Yozio is a mobile growth platform, you can find more here:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginYozioOfficial from '';


Official Cordova plugin for Yozio

This is a Cordova plugin which is supported officially by Yozio, it's used to wrap up the Yozio SDKs for iOS and Android.

Yozio is a mobile growth platform, you can find more here:

This project is developed based on, thanks for Justin's work.

Some of the interfaces of this plugin are different from Justin's.

This version of the plugin uses version 2.1.0 (iOS) and 1.1.15 (Android) of the Yozio SDK. Documentations for Yozio SDKs could be found here for iOS and here for Android.



  • YOZIO_APP_KEY - You can find the app key on Yozio Web Console Settings page.
  • YOZIO_SECRET_KEY - You can find the app key on Yozio Web Console Settings page.
  • URI_SCHEME - The custom uri scheme that could be used to deeplink into your app.
  • YOZIO_UNIVERSAL_LINK_DOMAIN - The domain you're using for Universal link, if you're not using any custom domain, then specify


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-yozio-official --variable YOZIO_APP_KEY=your_app_key --variable YOZIO_SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key --variable URI_SCHEME=your_custom_scheme --variable


This plugin is available via a global variable named YozioPlugin. It exposes the following methods.


When your app being opened the 1st time, the function will be called to receive metadata.

Method Signature:

onNewInstallMetadataCallback(successCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:

YozioPlugin.onNewInstallMetadataCallback(function(metadata) {
    console.log("Recevied metadata: " + JSON.stringify(metadata));
}, function(message) {
    console.log("onNewInstallMetadataCallback failed: " + message);


When your app being opened through deeplink, the function will be called to receive metadata from deeplink.

Method Signature:

onDeeplinkMetadataCallback(successCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:

YozioPlugin.onDeeplinkMetadataCallback(function(metadata) {
    console.log("Recevied metadata: " + JSON.stringify(metadata));
}, function(message) {
    console.log("onDeeplinkMetadataCallback failed: " + message);


After Yozio SDK gets back metadata, the metadata will be persisted locally, you can use this method to get it.

Method Signature:

getInstallMetadata(scuccessCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:

YozioPlugin.getInstallMetadata(function(metadata) {
    console.log("Get persisited install metadata: " + JSON.stringify(metadata));
}, function(message) {
    console.log("getMetadata failed: " + message);


The most recent deeplink metadata will be persisted locally too, you can use this method to get it.

Method Signature:

getLastDeeplinkMetadata(scuccessCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:

YozioPlugin.getLastDeeplinkMetadata(function(metadata) {
    console.log("Get last persisted deeplink metadata: " + JSON.stringify(metadata));
}, function(message) {
    console.log("getLastDeeplinkMetadata failed: " + message);


Track standard signup event, this event is predefined by Yozio.

Method Signature:

trackSignup(scuccessCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:



Track payment event, this event is predefined by Yozio.

Method Signature:

trackPayment(amount, successCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:



Track custom event that you defined in Yozio console.

Method Signature:

trackCustomEvent(eventName, value, successCallback, failureCallback)

Example Usage:

YozioPlugin.trackCustomEvent('coupon', 10, function() {
    console.log("trackCustomEvent successed");
}, function(message) {
    console.log("trackCustomEvent coupon failed: " + message);