
A Cordova plugin that provides interface for native Android and iOS Team Viewer SDK.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaTeamViewer from '';



A Cordova plugin that provides interface for native Android and iOS Team Viewer SDK.


To install current plugin run a command from your cordova project folder:

cordova plugin add 

or using npm

cordova plugin add cordova-team-viewer


If you don't know how to get configurationId and token, refer to before you start section in Team Viewer documentation.

Open session with configuration id:

var token = "your_token";
var configurationId = "your_configuration_id";
var name = "name_for_service_case";
var description = "description_for_service_case"; // optional

TeamViewerSDK.openSessionWithConfigurationId(token, configurationId, name, description,
  function(success) {
  // success block (optional)
}, function(error) {
  // failure block (optional)

Open session with session code:

var token = "your_token";
var sessionCode = "session_code";

TeamViewerSDK.openSessionWithSessionCode(token, sessionCode, function() {
  // success block (optional)
}, function(error) {
  // failure block (optional)

Closing session


Building in Xcode

If you're building iOS project in Xcode, you also have to set deployment target >= 7.0 and set Targets -> "your_project_name" -> Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode = NO in Xcode project preferences.


This plugin is released under MIT License. See LICENSE for details