Material React Landing Pages Kit made with Material UI's components, React and of course NextJS to boost your app development process! A professional React Kit that comes with plenty of ready-to-use Material-UI components that will help you to build faster & beautiful Fontend pages. Each component is fully customizable, responsive and easy to integrate.
Quick start
npm i core-component-ui
import React from "react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import { colors } from "@material-ui/core";
import { Icon, theme } from "core-component-ui";
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-evenly" }}>
<Icon fontIconClass="fas fa-users" fontIconColor={[50]} />
fontIconClass="far fa-address-book"
fontIconClass="fab fa-angellist"
fontIconClass="fas fa-phone-alt"
Overview Of All Pages
Development Highlights
We built core-component-mui to make you be able to customize and extend our components as simple as the Material UI core itself.
- Support typescript 4.0.3
- Component-centric atomic design architechture
- Customization made easy with stand alone components
- Browsersync live reload
- Fully responsive on all modern browsers
- Rich documentation with code samples and parameters/options
Design Highlights
core-component-mui was designed as a rich system from the start, which is reflected in both the end result and the original design.
- Beautiful, modern style flexible enough to suit most brands
- Included Sketch design file
- Type styles, color styles, and components for easy file-wide changes
- All images are included with a free-to-use license
- Icon set provided by Font Awesome Kit
Built with
- React
- NextJS
- Material-UI v4
MUI Documentation
The full documentation for the React Material Kit can be found here.
Core component Documentation
The full documentation for the core-component-ui can be found here.
Contact Us
- Digitalnew Solutions
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