Core React Library
Core React library.
Version: 1.0.52
Installing Library
Then via terminal:
npm install core-react-library
yarn add core-react-library
Services used
List of services included in the library:
User Management Service
SSO Authentication Service
Email Service
Roles Service
Functions that are provided by Core React Library:
- Messaging Service
import { EmailService } from 'core-react-library';
sendEmail(emailObject) - send email to Messaging Service and save it to your current collection of messages log.
Email Object :
from: string,
to: string,
subject: string,
body: string
from - from email address
to - to email address
subject - email subject
body - email body/message
attachments - email attachments
- User Management Service
import { UserManagementService } from 'core-react-library';
create - Create new users.
findById - Get user by primary key.
getAll - Returns all users.
update - Update user by id.
remove - Delete user by primary key.
authentication - Authenticate user.
invitations - Send invitations to new clients.
recoverPassword - Recover password by id.
verifyToken - Verify token.
changePassword - Change password by id.
The object necessary for user creation:
first_name: string,
last_name: string,
username: string,
email: string,
password: string
create - Create new invitation.
get - Get invitation by token.
- SSO Authentication Service
import { SSOService } from 'core-react-library';
login - Authenticate user.
refreshToken - Refresh authentication jwt token.
csrfToken - CSRF token.
verifyToken - Verify token.
remove - Delete user by id.
The object necessary for authenticate :
email: string,
password: string
- Role Service
import { RoleService } from 'core-react-library';
create - Create new role.
getAll - Returns all roles.
update - Update role by id.
remove - Delete role by id.
createRoleAction - Create actions for role .
getRoleActions - Get role actions.
import { RoleAction } from 'core-react-library';
update - Update role's action by id.
remove - Delete role's action by id.
import { UserRole } from 'core-react-library';
getUserRoles - Get user's role.
addUserRole - Add role for user.
removeUserRole - Delete user's role by id.
Keys that need to be added and completed in ENV:
REACT_APP_USERS_MANAGEMENT_API: /* Users management service URL *\
REACT_APP_ROLES_API: /* Role service URL *\
REACT_APP_FILES_API: /* File service URL *\