
Core Sass styling, resets and helpful utilities for quickly scaffolding projects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coreSass from '';


Core Sass

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Core Sass styling, resets and helpful utilities for quickly scaffolding projects.


To install core-sass as a dependency, run:

$ npm install core-sass


  1. In your main SCSS file, or wherever you choose, first import all Core Sass variables:
@import "~core-sass/src/variables";

It is likely you'll want to combine the Core Sass variables with some custom variables. To do so, import your custom variables after importing the Core Sass variables. This will ensure any custom variables will overwrite the given variable in Core Sass. For example:

@import "~core-sass/src/variables";
@import "path/to/custom/variables";

Note, you need to ensure all of your variables are imported before core-sass.

  1. Finally, import Core Sass itself:
@import "~core-sass";

What's Included
