
corto ===

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cortojs from '';



Boilerplate app snippets

Quick start

# Inits a new corto
corto init --directory ./my-template

# Add a corto file
cat <<README > ./my-template/
{{ }}

{{ def.about }}

# Installs new corto
corto install \
  --from ./my-template \
  --target ./foo \ project \
  --def.about 'a cool project'

# Verifies interpolation worked
cat ./foo/

a cool project

You can configure stuff like default values and hooks:

  • via cli arguments
  • via a config file (default is a corto.json file inside the template's folder)

If both are used, cli arguments gets precedence but not exclusivity, meaning configurations will be merged.


# Install from local directory
corto install /path/to/templates
# Install git from http
corto install
# Install git from ssh
corto install


We use clipop for declaring options

corto install <corto>              
  # Permits copying inside already existing directories
  --allow-exists      boolean 
  # Permits copying over non-empty directories
  --allow-non-empty   boolean  
  # Path to a json file with corto config
  --config            string   
  # Dictionnary of substitutions
  --def               object<string>
  # Dictionnary of extra
  --extra             object<string>
  # Do not apply configuration from corto.json
  --ignore-config     boolean  
  # Hooks (view below)
  --hooks             object  
  # Dictionnary of options
  --opt               object<string>
  # Regular expression to use for interpolation
  --pattern           string
  # Strategy used for stumbling upon existing locations
  --strategy          string
  # Fine grain strategies
  --strategies        object<string>[]
  # Output verbosity
  --verbose           boolean


All these properties (except config) can saved inside a corto.json. Just camel case option names:

  "corto": {
    "name": "mycorto",
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "allowExists": false,
  "pattern": "<(.+)>",
  "required": {
    "field": true
  "def": {
    "name": "some default name"
  "hooks": {
    "pre": [
      "git init"
    "post": [
      "git add .",
      "git commit -am First",
      "npm install"


Hooks can be applied before everything (pre) or after everything (post)

Hook literal commands

Hooks are commands that are run inside the target directory, for example:

npm install

Hook template commands

You can also use templating:

  "opt": {
    "packageManager": "npm" // default package manager
  "schema": {
    "packageManager": {
      "oneOf": ["npm", "yarn"] // setting accepted package managers
  "hooks": {
    "post": [
      // install node dependencies
      "{{ opt.packageManager }} install"
corto install ./my-corto --opt.packageManager yarn # will use yarn instead of npm

Command interface

There is a limitation to string literals: they don't encapsulate between-quotes content, so the following command:

do-something --command 'do something cool'

will be run such as:

"do-something" "--command" "do" "something" "cool"

To work around that problem, you can use the command interface (templating allowed):

  "opt": {
    "score": 0
  "hooks": {
    "post": [
        "command": "do-something",
        "args": [
          "do something cool"
        "condition": "opt.score > 100" // optional

Loop support

  "opt": {
    "path": "a/bc/d/d/e/f"
  "hooks": {
    "pre": [
        "for": "opt.path.split('/')",
        "each": "mkdir {{ item }}"

Basic fs support