
A command line tool to manage multiple local and remote CouchDB servers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import couchmin from '';



A command line tool to manage multiple local and remote CouchDB servers.

Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status


You should have couchdb, node and npm installed and in your PATH.


npm install -g couchmin


Usage: couchmin [ options ] <command>


active [ <name> ]
  Get or set the active CouchDB server.

add <name> <uri>
  Add remote CouchDB server.

cleanup [ <name> ]
  Remove index files no longer required.

compact [ <name> ]
  Compress the disk database file.

create <name>
  Create a local CouchDB server.

help [ <topic> ]
  Show help.

  Show system info.

  List CouchDB servers.

pull [ <name> ] <remote>
  Replicate from remote into local.

push [ <name> ] <remote>
  Replicate from local to remote.

restart [ <name> ]
  Restart CouchDB server.

rm [ <name> ]
  Permanently delete CouchDB server.

start [ <name> ]
  Start CouchDB server.

stop [ <name> ]
  Stop CouchDB server.

uri [ <name> ]
  Display server URI.

Command specific help:

Each command has it's own help text. Use `couchmin help <cmd>`
to display it. For example:

  couchmin help ls

Global Options:

-c, --confdir      Optional path to alternative config dir.
-v, --version      Show version.
--no-color         Disable pretty colours in output.
--disable-updates  Do not check for couchmin updates.