
CouchDB utility to perform mass transformations of documents

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import couchtransform from '';




When working with CouchDB there are situations where we want to transform a large set of documents. For example:

  • add new fields
  • modify existing fields
  • delete old fields
  • merge data from another source

CouchTransform is here to help with these situations. CouchTransform provides a command-line interface and performs the following:

  • Read from a CouchDB database view for the documents to process; the view output must have the structure rows.*.doc
  • Page through the documents to process
  • Use a custom transform function to modify each document
  • Write to:
    • a file for review
    • the same CouchDB to create new versions of the documents
    • a separate destination CouchDB to create new documents



  • node.js
  • npm

Using NPM to install as a global command

  sudo npm install -g couchtransform

Configuration - Core

These configurations setup the core behavior for CouchTransform.

The location of the CouchDB instance - default "http://localhost:5984"

Define the location of the CouchDB instance by setting the "COUCH_URL" environment variable e.g. for a hosted Cloudant instance

  export COUCH_URL=""

or a local CouchDB installation:

  export COUCH_URL="http://localhost:5984"

The name of the database - default "test"

Define the name of the CouchDB database to read from by setting the "COUCH_DATABASE" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_DATABASE="mydatabase"

The name of the database design document - default nothing

Define the name of the CouchDB database design document to use by setting the "COUCH_DESIGN" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_DESIGN="mydesign"

The name of the database view - default nothing

Define the name of the CouchDB database view to use by setting the "COUCH_VIEW" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_VIEW="myview"

If no database view is specified, all documents from the specified database will be processed using the default view


The database view query parameters - default "{"include_docs":true}"

Define the CouchDB database view parameters to use by setting the "COUCH_VIEW_PARAMS" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_VIEW_PARAMS_="{\"reduce\":false,\"include_docs\":true,\"startkey\":\"starting key\",\"endkey\":\"ending key\"}"

The parameters need to follow the standard guidelines for CouchDB views

NOTE: the "keys" query parameter is NOT supported.

The custom transformation function - default nothing

Define the path of a file containing a transformation function e.g.

  export COUCH_TRANSFORM="/home/myuser/transform.js"

The file should:

  • be a javascript file
  • export one function that takes a single doc and returns the transformed version synchronously

Configuration - Destination Database

These alternative configurations will set a destination CouchDB database to write to.

The location of the destination CouchDB instance - default nothing

Define the destination CouchDB instance by setting the "COUCH_DEST_URL" environment variable e.g. for a hosted Cloudant instance

  export COUCH_DEST_URL=""

or a local CouchDB installation:

  export COUCH_URL="http://localhost:5984"

The name of the destination database - default nothing

Define the name of the destination CouchDB database to write to by setting the "COUCH_DEST_DATABASE" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_DEST_DATABASE="mydatabase"

Configuration - Input and Output Files

These alternative configurations will change where CouchTransform reads data from or writes data to.

An output file - default nothing

Define the path to a file to write to e.g.

  export OUTPUT_FILE="./home/myuser/output.json"

Using this option will prevent CouchTransform from saving data back to the database. The output file will be written to in an append mode, so please clear the file out before running CouchTransform to get a clean run. Also when writing to the output file the parallelism will automatically be set to 1 to prevent concurrency errors.

An input file - default nothing

Define the path to an input file to read from e.g.

  export INPUT_FILE_="./home/myuser/input.json"

The input file will take precedence over reading from the specified CouchDB database view. The input file must be a JSON file with a structure similar to the output of a CouchDB database view e.g.

    "total_rows": 4862,
    "offset": 0,
    "rows": [{
        "id": "8b50b1a751f047f4a550b8957ec63652",
        "key": "2015-11-25T02:59:42.000Z",
        "value": 1,
        "doc": {
            "_id": "8b50b1a751f047f4a550b8957ec63652",
            "_rev": "6-7c42933c2a06f93e785ce277bcd79670",
            "field": "value"

Configuration - Performance Tuning

These optional configurations will change the performance characteristics of CouchTransform.

The page size - default 1000

Define the page size to use when reading documents from the CouchDB database by setting the "COUCH_PAGE_SIZE" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_PAGE_SIZE=1000

The buffer size - default 500

Define the buffer size to use when writing documents to the CouchDB database by setting the "COUCH_BUFFER_SIZE" environment variable e.g.

  export COUCH_BUFFER_SIZE=500

The parallelism setting - default 1

Define the parallelism setting that controls how many concurrent processes will be executed when writing documents to the CouchDB database by setting the "COUCH_PARALLELISM" environment variable e.g.



Configure the options and then execute CouchTransform from the command-line. If no OUTPUT_FILE or COUCH_DEST_URL/COUCH_DEST_DB are specified CouchTransform will try to write directly back to the same CouchDB database that it read from.

Global command



  couchtransform ******************** +0ms
  couchtransform configuration +2ms
  couchtransform {
 "COUCH_URL": "https://****:****",
 "COUCH_DATABASE": "mydatabase",
 "COUCH_DESIGN": "mydesign",
 "COUCH_VIEW": "myview",
 "COUCH_VIEW_PARAMS": "{\"include_docs\":true}",
 "COUCH_TRANSFORM": "/Users/myuser/github/couchtransform/examples/transform.js",
 "INPUT_FILE": null,
 "OUTPUT_FILE": null,
 "COUCH_DEST_URL": null,
} +2ms
  couchtransform ******************** +0ms
  couchtransform ******************** +0ms
  couchtransform START - 2016-04-06T03:18:09.762Z +0ms
  couchtransform Reading docs from _all_docs +161ms
  couchtransform Total rows 4863 +1s
  couchtransform Rows to process 4863 +0ms
  couchtransform Number of pages 5 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - BEGIN 2016-04-06T03:18:11.533Z +565ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - startkey 0001e569e47245d29fcf5f58bf6522f3 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - startkey_docid 0001e569e47245d29fcf5f58bf6522f3 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - docs to process 1000 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - Wrote 500 (500) documents +2s
  couchtransform [Page 1] - Wrote 500 (1000) documents +1s
  couchtransform [Page 1] - Wrote 0 (1000) documents +102ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - Completed writing to database mydatabase +27ms
  couchtransform [Page 1] - END 2016-04-06T03:18:14.655Z, duration 3122ms +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - BEGIN 2016-04-06T03:18:15.208Z +553ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - startkey 3583413b546f4bfab78d80464e142d82 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - startkey_docid 3583413b546f4bfab78d80464e142d82 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - docs to process 1000 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - Wrote 500 (500) documents +2s
  couchtransform [Page 2] - Wrote 500 (1000) documents +2s
  couchtransform [Page 2] - Wrote 0 (1000) documents +91ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - Completed writing to database mydatabase +50ms
  couchtransform [Page 2] - END 2016-04-06T03:18:18.876Z, duration 3668ms +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - BEGIN 2016-04-06T03:18:19.374Z +498ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - startkey 6900a84638de41558e70d16385102ad0 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - startkey_docid 6900a84638de41558e70d16385102ad0 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - docs to process 1000 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - Wrote 500 (500) documents +1s
  couchtransform [Page 3] - Wrote 500 (1000) documents +2s
  couchtransform [Page 3] - Wrote 0 (1000) documents +87ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - Completed writing to database mydatabase +12ms
  couchtransform [Page 3] - END 2016-04-06T03:18:22.430Z, duration 3056ms +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - BEGIN 2016-04-06T03:18:22.907Z +477ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - startkey a0277a9539724e9c80f0feee1b2d2ecc +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - startkey_docid a0277a9539724e9c80f0feee1b2d2ecc +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - docs to process 1000 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - Wrote 500 (500) documents +2s
  couchtransform [Page 4] - Wrote 500 (1000) documents +1s
  couchtransform [Page 4] - Wrote 0 (1000) documents +81ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - Completed writing to database mydatabase +43ms
  couchtransform [Page 4] - END 2016-04-06T03:18:25.998Z, duration 3091ms +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - BEGIN 2016-04-06T03:18:26.463Z +465ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - startkey d52996a7f2bf40d8a1e166f5b7872e33 +1ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - startkey_docid d52996a7f2bf40d8a1e166f5b7872e33 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - docs to process 863 +0ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - Wrote 500 (500) documents +1s
  couchtransform [Page 5] - Wrote 363 (863) documents +958ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - Completed writing to database mydatabase +35ms
  couchtransform [Page 5] - END 2016-04-06T03:18:28.795Z, duration 2332ms +0ms
  couchtransform END - 2016-04-06T03:18:28.798Z, duration 19036ms +3ms
  couchtransform Transform successful +0ms

Environment variables

  • COUCH_URL - the url of the CouchDB instance (required, or to be supplied on the command line)
  • COUCH_DATABASE - the CouchDB database to read from (required, or to be supplied on the command line)
  • COUCH_DESIGN - the database design document (optional)
  • COUCH_VIEW - the database view to filter documents by (optional, if no view is specified the default is to read all documents from the specified database)
  • COUCH_VIEW_PARAMS - the database view query parameters (optional, default will set "include_docs:true")
  • COUCH_TRANSFORM - the path of the custom transformation function (optional)
  • INPUT_FILE - the path to the input file (optional)
  • OUTPUT_FILE - the path to the output file (optional)
  • COUCH_DEST_URL - the url of an optional CouchDB instance to write to (optional)
  • COUCH_DEST_DATABASE - the optional CouchDB database to write to (optional)
  • COUCH_PAGE_SIZE - the page size to use when reading documents from the CouchDB database (optional)
  • COUCH_BUFFER_SIZE - the buffer size to use when writing documents to the CouchDB database (optional)
  • COUCH_PARALLELISM - the parallelism setting that controls how many concurrent processes will be executed when writing documents to the CouchDB database (optional)

Command-line parameters

You can now optionally override the environment variables by passing in command-line parameters:

  • --url - the url of the CouchDB instance (required, or to be supplied by setting the environment variable)
  • --db - the CouchDB database to read from (required, or to be supplied by setting the environment variable)
  • --design - the database design document (optional)
  • --view - the database view to filter documents by (optional, if no view is specified the default is to read all documents from the specified database)
  • --view_params - the database view query parameters (optional, default will set "include_docs:true")
  • --transform - the path of the custom transformation function (optional)
  • --input_file - the path to the input file (optional)
  • --output_file - the path to the output file (optional)
  • --dest_url - the url of an optional CouchDB instance to write to (optional)
  • --dest_db - the optional CouchDB database to write to (optional)
  • --page - the page size to use when reading documents from the CouchDB database (optional)
  • --buffer - the buffer size to use when writing documents to the CouchDB database (optional)
  • --parallelism - the parallelism setting that controls how many concurrent processes will be executed when writing documents to the CouchDB database (optional)


    couchtransform --db joseph --design jasmine --view jeremy --transform ./examples/transform.js