
Password strength testing made simple.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import countersign from '';



Countersign is password strength testing made simple. Countersign will apply a range of different tests to a password and will give it a score. Each successful test will score 1 point; if you add 10 tests you'll score a maximum of 10 points! You can even add your own custom tests.

You can use cs.score() to get the score, or cs.test() to ensure the password meets a minimum score threshold. Both methods will also receive a result parameter containing the detailed test results.


Inbuilt Tests

These tests come as standard, to use them specify true or a number to represent the required number of characters, e.g. if you specify digits: 4 the password will need to contain 4 separate digits to pass the test. By default all tests are run, but they won't automatically cause the password to fail.

  • length - Minimum length of the password. Takes a number only.
  • lowercase - Tests for lowercase letters.
  • uppercase - Tests for uppercase letters.
  • digits - Tests for digits 0-9.
  • whitespace - Tests for whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc).
  • punctuation - Tests for a whole host of punctuation characters.
  • common - Tests for common, easily guessed passwords. Takes true or false only.

Custom Tests

You can add any number of custom tests with cs.addTest(). And yes, your tests will still only score 1 point if passed successfully. All custom tests must be passed for the password to pass successfully.

Example Usage

This example will work 'out of the box' and shows the main functionality.

var Countersign = require('countersign');

// Specify the tests when creating a new Countersign.
var cs = new Countersign({
  length:      8,
  digits:      false,
  uppercase:   true,
  lowercase:   false,
  whitespace:  false,
  punctuation: true

// Or set tests later.
cs.setTest('punctuation', false);
  whitespace: true,
  digits:     2

// Add a custom test.
cs.addTest('customTest', function (input, setting, finish) {
  var success = (input !== 'passw0rd');
  return finish(null, success);

// Run the test.
cs.test('abc123', 5, function (err, success, result) {
  console.log('success', success);
  console.log('result', result);

 * success = false
 * result = {
 *   success: false,
 *   score: 3,
 *   minScore: 5,
 *   maxScore: 8,
 *   testResults: {
 *     required: {
 *       length: false,
 *       digits: true,
 *       uppercase: false,
 *       whitespace: false,
 *       customTest: true
 *     },
 *     optional: {
 *       lowercase: true,
 *       punctuation: false,
 *       common: false
 *     }
 *   }
 * }

Full API Reference

> var cs = new Countersign()

Instantiate a new countersign class with the given test settings. Any truthy value will enable a test. If the test accepts a value this can be given instead of true, e.g. a number to specify the minimum number of 'uppercase' characters in the password.

var cs = new Countersign({
  digits:  true,        // This test must be passed (at least 1 digit will be required).
  punctuation: false,   // This test will be run, but the password won't fail if it doesn't pass this test.
  uppercase: 2,         // This test must be passed (at least 2 uppercase letters will be required).

> cs.setTest()

Change the setting for a specific test or a range of tests. Any values set here will overwrite those set during instantiation.

cs.setTest('digits', false);   // This will disable the test.
  punctuation: true,           // This will enable the test.
  uppercase: 3,                // This will change the test setting.

> cs.addTest()

Adds a custom test of your creation. All tests are called asynchronously (in parallel) and must call the finish() callback to complete.

cs.addTest('customTest', function (input, setting, finish) {
  return finish(null, success);
  • testName - The name of the test.
  • testFn - The actual test function.
testFn Parameters
  • input - This will be the password.
  • setting - This will either be true or a value given during instantiation.
  • finish - The callback. This must be called to continue with the testing.
Callback Parameters
  • err - If an error has occured pass it back, otherwise null.
  • success - Specify a boolean to indicate whether the test has passed.
Error Handling

If you pass an error as the first parameter of finish() it will not be thrown, instead it will be passed up the chain to your final callback given to either cs.test() or cs.score().

> cs.test()

Runs every test against the given password, and then passes a 'success' boolean and result object to the callback. Success will only be true if all the required tests have passed successfully and the score is above the minimum score threshold. The actual score achieved can be found via result.score.

cs.test('abc123', 5, function (err, success, result) { ... });
  • input - The password is the first parameter.
  • minScore - The minimum score required to pass testing.
  • callback - The function to run after testing is complete.
Callback Parameters
  • err - If an error has occurred it will be given here, otherwise null.
  • success - True if all required tests have passed and the minimum score threshold has been achieved.
  • result - A hash of all the results.

> cs.score()

Runs every test against the given password, and then passes the score and result object to the callback. Whether or not the password successfully passed all tests can be found via result.success.

cs.score('abc123', function (err, score, result) { ... });
  • input - The password is the first parameter.
  • callback - The function to run after testing is complete.
Callback Parameters
  • err - If an error has occurred it will be given here, otherwise null.
  • score - The score given to the password (i.e. the number of tests successfully passed).
  • result - A hash of all the results.


v0.1.0 (2014-12-22)

  • [+] Added the 'common' test to check a dictionary for common, easy to guess passwords.
  • [^] cs.test() now only returns true if all specified tests have passed.
  • [^] All tests are now always run with the results passed to the final callback.
  • [-] Removed 'letters' test as a combination of 'lowercase' and 'uppercase' tests will do the same job.