
Courgette - Bootstrap your cucumber tests with cucumber, protractor and a structured way of creating page objects and component objects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import courgette from '';


Courgette - Bringing sanity to test automation with Selenium

Documentation has been moved to

This project was formerly known as Cuketractor (formerly cucumber-protractor on npm)

Build Status


Courgette gives you:

  • a load of generic step definitions for you to begin writing Given When Then scenarios that will run as soon as you add the CSS or XPath selectors to the .page (YAML) file
  • snippets or live templates for intellisense in your favourite IDE to write those steps accurately and quickly
  • Courgette API for creating your own step definitions
  • screenshots on error for debugging
  • a step for named screenshots
  • an HTML report
  • a Cucumber formatter for nice output in the terminal
  • a Cucumber formatter for step definition usage
  • an error report summary in the terminal output
  • Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android support
  • ability to DRY out selectors with .component (YAML) files
  • ability to run against cloud services that provide a selenium grid
  • ability to easily create true BDD user stories


Please get in touch if you'd like to contribute to this project.

To get started:

  1. Clone this repository and cd into it
  2. Install nodeJS if you don't already have it
  3. Install node_modules npm install
  4. Install selenium's latest Chromedriver npm run install-chromedriver. Note: on some linux distributions, the Chrome version isn't always the latest. Just make sure your Chrome version number matches the Chromedriver version number. Refer to webdriver-manager for further help. It may be that you need to run: ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
  5. Run the tests npm run ct

If you have any problems with the above steps, please create an issue.

If you've added new steps, please create the snippets files by running the script: npm run snippets

Useful links