
Manages CA School Courses file system storage and HTML conversion

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import courseRenderer from '';



CA School Course Renderer



npm install course-renderer


  • render-course --raw /tmp/raw --dest /tmp/dest course1 will render /tmp/raw/course1 to /tmp/dest/course1
  • render-course --raw /tmp/raw --dest /tmp/dest will render all courses found at /tmp/raw and save it to /tmp/dest
  • render-course --raw /tmp/raw --dest /tmp/dest --content-only course1 will render course1 and content directory files only. Useful for validation.


  • -r, --raw - (Optional, default to /tmp/courses-raw) The directory where the raw course will be located.
  • -d, --dest - (Optional, default to /tmp/courses-rendered) The directory where the rendered course will be save.
  • -c, --content-only - (Optional) will only render the and the content directory files.
  • -s, --silent - (Optional)render-course will be in silent mode. Only output errors to STDOUT


  • Arguments passed to render-course are treated as Course Name. Passing a list of argument will render those courses.
  • If you do not pass anything, then render-course will render everything from the raw directory.

Custom Rendering

If you want to execute your custom rendering routines, you will need to import customRender function from this package. Then your custom rendering functions should expect a single parameter, a vinyl object. You will need to return that same object itself with the updated contents.

The example below will add the bootstrap btn and btn-primary class to the course buttons

import { customRender } from 'course-renderer';

function myCustomRenderer(file) {
    const ch = cheerio.load(file.contents.toString())

    ch('.ca-verify-button').addClass('btn btn-primary')

    file.contents = new Buffer(ch.html())
    return file

customRender('/path/to/your/course', myCustomRenderer, (error) => {
    // Do something after
