
An experiment to create reusable component library using the latest front-end technologies.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import courseraUi from '';


Coursera UI

An experiment to create reusable component library using the latest front-end technologies.

travis build codecov coverage version

Table of Contents

How to Use

  • Clone the repo and run npm install

  • npm run storybook and visit http://localhost:9000 (depends on the availability) and you'll see the stories

  • npm start Run the actual app

  • npm run test Run all the tests in tests directory and eslint

  • npm run test:only Run tests without eslint

  • npm run test:w Watch and run the tests

  • npm run lint Lint the js files using airbnb's eslint and flow config

  • npm run lint:fix Lint and try to fix some basic linting errors

  • npm run publish-storybook Will publish the story at

  • Required Global Installations

    • npm install -g semantic-release-cli getstorybook

Feature List




  • Avatar
  • Chip / ChipList
  • Progress
    • StaticLinearProgress
    • StepProgress
  • Modal
  • ProgressButton
  • ButtonGroup
  • IconButton
  • Table
  • Rating
  • Form
    • TextField
    • SearchInput
    • Toggle
    • Input ref
    • Checkbox
    • Radio
    • Select / Dropdown
    • Button
    • ButtonLink
    • Label
  • Link
  • Icon
  • Card
  • Grid, Layout
  • TextBox, Typography (remove all margin tops, have 0.5rem margin bottom)
  • List
  • Divider
  • Dialog/Modal
  • Blockquote
  • Nav
  • Tag
  • Affix ?


  • FixedContainer
  • SmartScrollWrapper
  • TextTruncate
  • Slider
  • Select
  • Step
  • BackTop
  • Collapse
  • Pagination
  • Notification
  • Jumbotron
  • Alert
  • Tooltip
  • Popover
  • Tabs
  • Badge
  • Loader
  • Drawer
  • HeaderPanel
  • Validated form inputs
    • EmailInput
    • PhoneInput
    • AddressInput
    • ZipInput
    • CreditCardInput
  • List
    • Draggable
    • StepList
    • Breadcrumb
  • Media
  • EditableInput
  • LoginForm
  • LogoutForm
  • CreditCard
  • VideoPlayer
  • FileDrop
  • Uploaders
    • FileUploader
    • ImageUploader
    • VideoUploader (need additional processing)
  • ProgressBar
  • Collapsible
  • Scrollable
  • ShoppingCart
  • Menu
  • AutoComplete
  • Ellipsis
  • Carousel
  • PopConfirm ref
  • Timeline ref
  • CopyToClipboard

Animation & Transition

Super Rich Components

  • SyntaxHighlighter
  • MarkdownViewer
  • Calendar
  • DocPreview


  • Donut
  • Bar
  • Timeseries
  • ....

Vendor Services

  • GoogleMap
  • Transloader
  • Imgix

Composables (align with recompose)

  • withApiHandler
  • withBranches
  • withBreakPoint
  • withIsMounted
  • withResponsiveConfig
  • withScrollInfo
  • withScrollTo
  • withTheme
  • withRoute
  • withHover (add mouse over and leave to existing component)
  • ....

Common States and Behaviors

  • Key interaction


How to Contribute

  • Understanding Semantic Release

  • Commit Guidelines, format and tool.

  • Commit Types. RefAngular Git Commit Guidelines

    • feat: A new feature
    • fix: A bug fix
    • docs: Documentation only changes style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, - formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
    • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
    • perf: A code change that improves performance
    • test: Adding missing tests
    • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as - documentation generation
    • build: changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
    • ci: changes to travis
    • revert: revert a previous commit
  • Scopes

    • TODO
  • Styleguides

    • [Airbnb React Styleguide][airbnb-react]


We use git wiki to manage all our documentations. You can edit it online or within our repo's docs directory. How to use git wiki as submodule


import sinon from 'sinon';
import { expect } from 'chai';

Coverage Reporting

Continuous Integration

We use Travis CI.



Something Missing?

with-styles [airbnb-react]: