Coworkers is a RabbitMQ microservice framework
Coworkers is a new microservice framework heavily inspired by Koa, which aims to be a simple, robust, and scalable foundation for creating RabbitMQ microservices. Through leveraging generators Coworkers allows you to ditch callbacks and greatly increase error-handling. Coworkers also uses Amqplib, a battle-tested AMQP client, under the hood to communicate with RabbitMQ and has best-practices baked in. Finally, Coworkers enables easy scalability by running each queue-consumer in its own process through node clustering (optional).
npm install --save coworkers
Note: amqplib
is a peer dependency. This give you flexibility in using any compatible version you please. npm@^3 does not install peer dependencies automatically, so you will have to install amqplib
Quick Example
const coworkers = require('coworkers')
const app = coworkers()
// shared middlewares
app.use(function * (next) {
// all consumers will run this logic...
yield next
// queue consumers w/ middlewares
app.queue('foo-queue', function * () {
// consumer specific logic
this.ack = true // acknowledge message later, see `Context` documentation below
// middleware error handler
app.on('error', function (err) {
// connect to rabbitmq and begin consuming
The Coworkers Application
class is the center of RabbitMQ microservice. It keeps track of which queues to consume and generator middlewares. Coworker's middlewares system should feel familiar as it is similar to that of many other http frameworks such as Ruby's Rack, Connect, and is actually powered by the internals of Koa. This middleware system uses generators to make handling asyncronous behavior a breeze. Coworkers is also powered by amqplib
, a battle tested RabbitMQ client library, and has many best practices built in.
Methods (documented below):
Simple consumer example:
const coworkers = require('coworkers')
const app = coworkers()
app.queue('foo-queue', function * () {
this.ack = true
app.on('error', function (err, channel, context) {
if (channel) {
channel.nack(context.message).catch(function (err) {
Use the given middleware for all queues consumed by the app.
* @param {GeneratorFunction} middleware
* @return {Application} app
See "Cascading middleware" section (below) for a full example
app.prefetch(count, [global])
Setup prefetch options for the application's consumer channel (consumerChannel
). Equivalent to
* @param {Number} count the maximum number of messages sent over the channel that can be awaiting ack
* @param {Boolean} [global] flag specifying if prefetch is global (true) or per-channel (false), default: false
app.prefetch example
const coworkers = require('coworkers')
const app = coworkers()
app.prefetch(100, false) // `global` is optional, and defaults to false
app.queue('foo-queue', function * () {
this.ack = true
app.on('error', /* ... */)
app.queue(queueName, [queueOpts], [consumeOpts], ...middlewares)
Setup a queue consumer w/ options and middleware. Queues will be asserted and consumed with the given options in app.connect
* @param {String} queueName queue name for which the middleware will be used
* @param {Object} [queueOpts] assert queue options, don't use w/ schema
* @param {Object} [consumeOpts] consume options
* @param {GeneratorFunction} ...middlewares one middleware is required
* @return {Application} app
app.queue example
const coworkers = require('coworkers')
// using optional schema
const app = coworkers({ schema: schema })
// add required error handler
app.on('error', function (err) {
// setup a queue
const queueOpts = {/* queue options */}
const consumeOpts = {/* consume options */}
// correct usage: (note that consumeOpts becomes the second arg)
app.queue('queue0', consumeOpts, function * () {})
// errors
app.queue('queue0', queueOpts, consumeOpts, function * () {})
// Error: 'app.queue() cannot use "queueOpts" when using a schema'
app.queue('queue1', queueOpts, consumeOpts, function * () {})
// Error: 'app.queue() requires "queue1" queue to exist in schema'
app.queue example when using rabbitmq-schema
const coworkers = require('coworkers')
const RabbitSchema = require('rabbitmq-schema')
const schema = new RabbitSchema({
exchange: 'exchange0',
type: 'direct',
options: {}
bindings: {
routingPattern: '',
destination: {
queue: 'queue0',
messageSchema: {/* message json-schema */},
options: {/* queue options */}
args: {}
// using optional schema
const app = coworkers(schema)
// add required error handler
app.on('error', function (err) {
// setup a queue
const consumeOpts = {/* consume options */}
// correct usage: (note that consumeOpts becomes the second arg)
app.queue('queue0', consumeOpts, function * () {})
// errors
const queueOpts = {/* queue options */}
app.queue('queue0', queueOpts, consumeOpts, function * () {})
// Error: 'app.queue() cannot use "queueOpts" when using a schema'
// (It will use the queueOpts from the schema)
app.queue('queue1', consumeOpts, function * () {})
// Error: 'app.queue() requires "queue1" queue to exist in schema'
See "Cascading middleware" section (below) for a full example
Cascading Middleware
Coworker's middleware cascades in a more traditional way as you may be used to with similar tools - this was previously difficult to make user friendly with node's use of callbacks. However with generators we can achieve "true" middleware. Contrasting Connect's implementation which simply passes control through series of functions until one returns, Coworkers yields "downstream", then control flows back "upstream" just like Koa.
The following example ack
's all foo-queue messages. First the message flows through trace
and parse-content
middleware to mark when the request started, parse content, and then yield control through to the foo-queue
consumer middleware. When an middleware invokes yield next
the function suspends and passes control to the next middleware defined. After there are no more middleware to execute "downstream", the stack will unwind and each middleware is resumed to perform "upstream" behavior (post yield
, in reverse order). Note: "shared middlewares" (use) always run before "consumer middlewares" (consume), regardless of attachment order.
Note: if the message reaches the end of the middlewares without an ack (and consumer is not noAck
) a special NoAckError
will be thrown.
Cascading example:
const app = require('coworkers')()
/* shared middlewares */
// "trace" middleware
app.use(function * (next) { = require('crypto').randomBytes(12)
// save consumer start time
const startTime =
// move on to next middleware
yield next
// all middlewares have finished
const elapsed = - startTime
// "parse-content" middleware
app.use(function * (next) {
this.message.content = JSON.parse(this.message.content)
yield next
/* queue consumers w/ middlewares */
// "foo-queue" consumer middleware
app.queue('foo-queue', function * () {
this.ack = true // checkout `Context` documentation for ack, nack, and more
By default, app handles all errors by logging them and nacking messages
Middleware Error Handling
A coworkers application will not start w/out an error handler. Middleware errors are emitted on the app. To setup error-handling logic such as centralized logging you can add an "error" event listener.
Simple error handler example:
app.on('error', function (err, context) {
log.error(`${context.queueName} consumer error`, err)
For special error-handling behavior make use of the properties available on context
. Also, make sure to handle errors that can occur in the error handler (they will not be caught).
Robust error handler example:
app.on('error', function (err, context) {
log.error(`${context.queueName} consumer error`, err)
// check if the message has not been acked
// make sure message is not being consumed on a `noAck` queue
// and check if the exchange is using a dead letter exchange
const hasDlx = Boolean(context.queueOpts.deadLetterExchange)
if (!context.messageAcked && hasDlx) {
let channel = context.consumerChannel // amqplib promise api:
let message = context.message
let requeue = false
// nack the message
channel.nack(message, false, requeue)
The recommended namespace to extend with information that's useful throughout the lifetime of your application, as opposed to a per request basis.
app.context.db = db();
Connect to RabbitMQ, create channels, and consume queues
- Creates a connection to rabbitmq
- Creates a consumer channel and publisher channel
- Begins consuming queues
- Note on Clustering: If using clustering and isMaster, it will create all workers and wait for them to connect to RabbitMQ. If any of the workers fail to connect to Rabbitmq they will cause master's connect to error.
* @param {String} [url] rabbitmq connection url, default: 'amqp://'
* @param {Object} [socketOptions] socket options
* @param {Function} [cb] callback, not required if using promises
* @return {Promise} promise, if no callback is supplied
Successful connect examples:
const app = require('coworkers')()
app.queue('foo-queue', function * () {/*...*/})
// promise api
app.connect() // connects to 'amqp://' by default, returns promise
// - or -
app.connect('amqp://') // returns promise
// - or -
const socketOptions = {} // see
app.connect('amqp://', socketOptions) // returns promise
// callback api
app.connect(callback) // connects to 'amqp://' by default
// - or -
app.connect('amqp://', callback)
// - or -
const socketOptions = {} // see
app.connect('amqp://', socketOptions, callback)
// callback
function callback (err) {
// ...
Failed connect examples:
const app = require('coworkers')()
app.use(function * () {/*...*/})
app.connect(function (err) {
Error: App requires consumers, please use "consume" before calling connect
Close channels and disconnect from RabbitMQ
Close examples:
// promise api
// callback api
A Coworkers Context encapsulates a RabbitMQ consumer's message
and channel
s into a single object. This provides easy access to methods and accessors to data frequently used w/ RabbitMQ microservice development.
A Context
is created per message, and is referenced in middleware as the receiver, or the this
Context example:
app.use(function * () {
this // is the Context
this.queueName // is the name of the queue where the message originated
this.message // is the incoming rabbitmq message
this.consumerChannel // is the channel which recieved the message
this.publisherChannel // is an extra channel dedicated for publishing messages
Many of the context's accessors and methods simply delegate to their this.message
, this.consumerChannel
, or this.publisherChannel
equivalents for convenience, and are otherwise identical. For example, this.deliveryTag
and this.messageAcked
delegate to the message
, this.ack
and this.nack
delegate to consumerChannel
, and this.publish(...)
and this.sendToQueue(...)
delegate to publisherChannel
Context Models
For the most part context models should not need to be used. Context accessor and methods should be more convenient, and allow the message to properly flow "downstream" and "upstream".
- - the coworkers app
- this.connection - amqplib rabbitmq connection, see "Connection" documentation below
- this.consumerChannel - amqplib* rabbitmq channel dedicated to consuming, see "Channel" documentation below
- this.publisherChannel - amqplib* rabbitmq channel dedicated to publishing, see "Channel" documentation below
Context Properties
- this.queueName - name of the queue from which the message originated
- this.message - the incoming rabbitmq message
- this.content - message content buffer,
accessor - this.fields - message fields,
getter - - message properties,
getter - this.headers - message headers,
getter - - exchange which the message was published to,
accessor - this.routingKey - routingKey which the message was published with,
accessor - this.deliveryTag - delivery tag of the message,
getter - this.consumerTag - unique identifier of consumer,
getter - this.redelivered - whether message was redelivered,
getter - this.queueOpts - queue options used to assert the queue
- this.consumeOpts - queue's consume options
- this.messageAcked - boolean, whether message has been acknowledged (ack, nack, reject)
- this.state - recommended namespace for passing info between middlewares
Context Ack Properties
These special ack properties should be used in place of channel calls (except in the error handler). These properties allow the message to complete it's flow "downstream" and back "upstream" before acknowledging the message.
- this.ack - set this property to ack the message at the end of the middlewares
- this.nack - set this property to nack the message at the end of the middlewares
- this.reject - set this property to reject the message at the end of the middlewares
Ack Example:
app.use(function * () {
/* ack */
this.ack = true // will ack w/ default options
// - or -
this.ack = { allUpTo: true } // specify custom options
Nack Example:
app.use(function * () {
/* nack */
this.nack = true // will nack w/ default options
// - or -
this.nack = { requeue: false, allUpTo: false } // specify custom options
Context Methods
- this.publish(...) - publish a message to an exchange w/ a routing key on the publisherChannel
- this.sendToQueue(...) - publish a message directly to a queue on the publisherChannel
- this.request(...) - publish an rpc message, and easily recieve it's reply, creates a new channel for publishing and consuming (uses amqplib-rpc
- this.reply(...) - reply to an rpc message on the publisherChannel (uses amqplib-rpc
- this.checkQueue(...) - check if a queue exists (creates it's own channel to prevent any unexpected errors)
- this.checkReplyQueue() - check if a reply-queue exists using (creates it's own channel to prevent any unexpected errors)
- this.toJSON() - return json version of context (note: will not jsonify context.state, if it includes non-primitives)
Publish example:
// `context.publish` jsdoc:
* Proxy method to publisherChannel.publish, publish a message to an exchange
* @param {String} exchange exchange name to publish to
* @param {String} routingKey message routing key
* @param {Buffer|Object|Array|String} content message content
* @param {Object} [options] publish options
// Example usage in middleware
app.use(function * (next) {
// Works just like amqplib's channel publish.
// But context's publish allows publishing of
// objects and strings in addition to buffers.
// Non-buffer content will be stringified and casted to a Buffer.
const content = { foo: 1 }
const opts = {} // optional
this.publish('exchange-name', 'routing.key', content, opts)
// ...
SendToQueue and CheckQueue example:
// `context.sendToQueue` jsdoc:
* Proxy method to publisherChannel.sendToQueue
* publish a message directly to a queue
* @param {String} queue queue name to publish to
* @param {Buffer|Object|Array|String} content message content
* @param {Object} [options] publish options
// `context.checkQueue` jsdoc:
* create a channel, check if the queue exists, and close the channel
* @param {String} queue queue name
* @param {Function} [cb] callback, not required if using promises
* @return {Promise} if using promises
// Example usage in middleware
app.use(function * (next) {
// Works just like amqplib's channel sendToQueue.
// But context's sendToQueue allows publishing of
// objects and strings in addition to buffers.
// Non-buffer content will be stringified and casted to a Buffer.
const content = 'hello'
const opts = {} // optional
// check queue: in some case it may be useful to check existance of a queue before publishing to it
var exists = yield this.checkQueue('queue-name')
if (!exists) {
// handle message: ack, nack, or etc
// reply
this.sendToQueue('queue-name', content, opts)
// ...
RPC ( Request, Reply, CheckReplyQueue) example:
Client.js using context.request
// `context.request` jsdoc:
* Make an rpc request, publish a message to an rpc queue
* @param {String} queue name of rpc-queue to send the message to
* @param {Buffer} content message content
* @param {Object} [sendOpts] sendToQueue options
* @param {Object} [queueOpts] assertQueue options for replyTo queue, queueOpts.exclusive defaults to true
* @param {Object} [consumeOpts] consume options for replyTo queue, consumeOpts.noAck defaults to true
* @param {Function} [cb] callback, if using callback api
* @return {Promise} returns a promise
// Example usage in middleware
app.queue('client-queue', function * () {
// request makes it easy to make an rpc-request from a queue
const content = { a: 10, b: 20 }
// request function signatures has a lot of optional arguments:
// request(queueName, content, [sendOpts], [queueOpts], [consumeOpts])
const replyMsg = yield this.request('multiply-queue', content)
console.log(replyMsg.content.toString()) // 200
// ...
this.ack = true
Server.js using context.reply
// `context.reply` jsdoc:
* Reply to an rpc request, publish a message to replyTo queue
* @param {Buffer|Object|Array|String} content message content
* @param {Object} options publish options
// `context.checkReplyQueue` jsdoc:
* create a channel, check if replyTo queue exists, and close the channel
* @param {Function} [cb] not required if using promises
* @return {Promise} if using promises
// Example usage in middleware
app.use(function * (next) {
// convert message body to json
this.message.content = JSON.stringify(this.message.content.toString())
yield next
app.queue('multiply-queue', function * () {
// check reply queue: in some case it may be useful to check existance of a queue before doing any work
const exists = yield this.checkReplyQueue()
if (!exists) {
// handle message: ack, nack, or etc
const content = this.message.content
const a = content.a
const b = content.b
const c = a * b
const opts = {} // optional
// reply is sync and does not return a promise,
// uses publisherChannel.sendToQueue (see "Channel" documentation below)
this.reply(new Buffer(c), opts)
// ...
see amqplib channel documentation
see amqplib connection documentation
Clustering / Process management
By default, coworkers will use clustering to give each queue consumer it's own process. Clustering is optional, you can manage coworker processes manually (see "Manual process management" below).
Clustering is opinionated, it make the processes work as a unit:
- If a worker fails to startup and connect to rabbitmq, it will kill all the workers
- If a workers dies it will be attempted to be respawned w/ exponential backoff
- Use the following ENV variables to adjust behavior:
- Use the following ENV variables to adjust behavior:
- If a worker dies and repeatedly fails to create process and connect to rabbitmq it will crash the entire cluster
Clustering example:
When clustering is enabled, Coworkers will optimize the number of processes to the number of cpus the server has. The below example will will create four workers in total (to match the number of cpus): two "foo-queue" consumers, and two "bar-queue" consumers. If the number of queues > num cpus, coworkers will only create one consumer per queue. If you want to specify the number of workers per queue you can do this using the environment variable: COWORKERS_WORKERS_PER_QUEUE
. If you have any problems w/ a particular worker process you can close it by sending it a SIGINT
signal, this will gracefully shutdown the process and not respawn a replacement (to restart the worker after stopping it, restart your coworkers app).
// app.js
const app = require('coworkers')()
require('os').cpus().length // 4
app.queue('foo-queue', ...)
app.queue('bar-queue', ...)
app.on('error', ...)
app.connect(function (err) {
if (err) console.error(err.stack)
Manual process management:
Coworkers forces you to only consume a single queue per process, so that your consumers are decoupled. If you want to manage your own processes w/out using clustering all you have to do is specify three environment variables:
Processes will send process messages so that you can determine the state:
- messages include: 'coworkers:connect', 'coworkers:connect:error', 'coworkers:close', 'coworkers:close:error'
COWORKERS_CLUSTER="false" # {string-boolean} disabled clustering
COWORKERS_QUEUE="foo-queue" # {string} specify the queue the process will consume
COWORKERS_QUEUE_WORKER_NUM=1 # {number} specify the queue worker number, optional, default: 1
# if you create multiple processes per queue, this unique id per queue
// app.js
// ...
app.use('foo-queue', ...)
app.use('bar-queue', ...)
module.exports = app
// process-manager.js
var app = require('app')()
// create one consumer process per queue
app.queueNames.forEach(function (queueName) {
// create node process w/ env:
// ...
RPC utils
If you need to publish rpc messages from another application you can use amqplib-rpc. Coworkers uses amqplib-rpc under the hood for it's RPC methods, so the method signatures are nearly identical.
Check out coworkers-test it allows you to easily test a coworkers app's message-handling middlewares as a unit w/out requiring rabbitmq.