
Utility to rename or move files using keywords

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cpFileutil from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/cp-fileutil';



Local installation

npm install --save cp-fileutil

Global installation

npm install -g cp-fileutil

Global installation will give you fileutil command in cmd

How to use it

This utility package has two functionality, rename and move

Ror Rename

To rename the file with which contains specific keywords to replace that keywords found in file name
fileutil rename --src="file path" --keyWord="give keywords to find that in file which you want to replace" --replacer="replacement word" 
You can also use shortcuts for all arguments as mentioned below


fileutil rename --s="P:\src" --k="ebook" --r="" 

For Moving File

To move file with specific keywords name to different folder
fileutil move --src="file path" --dest="filepath" --replace="Word in file name which you can use to move the file " --fileType="type of file you want to move" 
You can also use shortcuts for all arguments as mentioned below


fileutil move --s="P:\src" --d="P:\dest" --r="Mastering" -f="pdf"

The above command will move all the files which contains keyword as 'Mastering' from P:\src to P:\dest whose extension is pdf.