
Simplified secured password two-ways encryption

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cpass from '';


cpass - simplified secured password two-ways encryption


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Encrypts password to some sort of a 'secure string' to be stored in text configs to reduce risks of a silly leak.

Decripts a 'secure string' to plain password.


npm install cpass --save-dev


yarn add cpass --dev



const Cpass = require('cpass').Cpass;
const cpass = new Cpass();

const password = 'password';

let secured = cpass.encode(password);
// secured: "40bbb043608f54d....MhKghXTcaR2A//yNXg==" - is unique on different machines

let unsecured = cpass.decode(secured);
// unsecured: 'password'


import { Cpass } from 'cpass';
const cpass = new Cpass();

const password = 'password';

let secured = cpass.encode(password);
// secured: "40bbb043608f54d....MhKghXTcaR2A//yNXg==" - is unique on different machines

let unsecured = cpass.decode(secured);
// unsecured: 'password'

Decoding plain text will return it back:

let plainText = 'plain (not encoded text)';
let decodedText = cpass.decode(plainText);
// decodedText: 'plain (not encoded text)'
// plainText === decodedText

Encryption with master key

import { Cpass } from 'cpass';
const cpass = new Cpass('MasterKey');


Local run

npm run test

Run in Docker for specific Node.js version

# Build an image
docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile.node8 -t cpass.node8 .
# Run tests
docker run cpass.node8


This module is not for a real security purposes. Just for 'dummy hackers' secure and minifying risks of any password storage in a plain form.

Once encoded, the password secured form can be decoded only on the same machine, but the logic behind this is very straightforward.