
Cheesecake Labs CRA Template

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import craTemplateCklFrontend from '';


🍰 CKL Frontend CRA Template

Cheesecake Labs template for Create React App.


  • Yarn v1+
  • Node v10+


How to use

To use this template, add --template ckl-frontend when creating a new app.

For example:

npx create-react-app <project-name> --template ckl-frontend

# or

yarn create react-app <project-name> --template ckl-frontend

and then:

Start the web server: yarn start

Production mode

Running yarn build CRA will build the app into a build folder.


How to contribute

  • Custom template – Informations about custom template for Create react app.
  1. Make your changes and open the PR
  2. Once PR accepted log in to NPM with CKL credentials: npm login
  3. Publish: npm publish