
A base template with Typescript, Redux-Saga, Reactotron and more

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import craTemplateCodinglabsTs from '';


Create-react-app Coding Labs Typescript Template


You need some VistualStudio Code extensions installed:

  • ESLint
  • Prettier

Also, commitizen is used to standarize commit messages.


To use this tempalate, you need to install it via cra-create-app:

npx cra-create-app <my-app> --template codinglabs

After initial install, you may need to install the dev dependencies. To do so, run yarn postinstall.

PATH Error

If you encounter a path error when running yarn start, upgrade react-scripts to ^3.4.0.

Available Scripts

Aside from normally installed scripts, there are 2 more:

yarn coverage

Creates test coverage report in __tests__/coverage

yarn lint

Peforms a eslint --fix in staged files

Commit Messages

This template comes with Husky hooks, commitzen and commitlint to produce standard commit messages!