
Create projects from templates.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import createNow from '';




Create projects from templates.


Install template for compatible packages like this:

npm init now papua --yes

--yes avoids the prompt by npm to install this package.


npm init now npm-package-name [destination] [template]

The second argument can be used to describe the location where to place the project while the third describes the template to use. Both parameters are optional. If no location is provided the current directory will be used. If there is more than one template available for the package, but no template selected then a prompt will appear.


Use TypeScript template and place result in /my-app folder.

npm init now papua my-app typescript


The following npm packages provide templates to install with now.


To configure your package to allow templates to be generated with this plugin you will need a /template folder at the top level.

│   package.json
    │   package.json
    └   index.js

If you want to provide several templates create a folder for each one inside /template and now will prompt the user which one to use. For this to work it's important that there are no other files located in the template root. If there is a default named template available and the user has not selected a template to be used on invocation this one will be used without prompting.

│   ...
    │   │   package.json
    │   └   index.js
    │   │   package.json
    │   │   index.ts
    │   └   tsconfig.json
        └   package.json

It's not necessary that the templates are published to npm as they will be downloaded from the git repository linked in the package.json of the respective plugin.


Template files can be enhanced with static or user-defined variables. Use the EJS to place them in any of your files. Here is an example of a dynamic package.json:

  "name": "<%= name %>",
  "description": "<%= description %>"

The variable contents need to be defined in a template.json file at the top of your template. Variables are static and need to be defined in advance, while prompts are dynamic and will be prompted to the user when the template is generated. The syntax for prompts matches the npm package with the same name.

  "variables": {
    "name": "my-plugin"
  "prompts": [
      "name": "description"


In the optional template.json file you can add further options to configure the process.

  "variables": {...},
  "prompts": [...],
  "noInstall": true,
  "excludeTransform": ["index.html"]

noInstall [false] prevents npm install even if dependencies or devDependencies found in package.json

excludeTransform [none] template variables like <% whatever %> will be ignored, only one's with <# here #> will be replaced.

node Usage

import { create } from 'create-now'

await create('papua')
// Arguments two and three are optional.
// Will throw an error if there are several templates but none has been selected.
await create('padua', 'new-plugin', 'javascript')
// Use '.' for the second argument for current folder.
await create('papua', '.')