
A tiny Event Emitter and Observable Store.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import createPubsub from '';


Create PubSub

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A tiny Event Emitter and Observable Store.


npm install create-pubsub


// Import as an ES Module.
import { createPubSub } from "create-pubsub";
// Or require as a CommonJS Module.
const { createPubSub } = require("create-pubsub");
// Or import it from URL.
import { createPubSub } from "";
<!-- Or use it directly in the browser. -->
<script src=""></script>
  const { createPubSub } = window["create-pubsub"];


As Emitter/Listener

For each event you want to track, create a new PubSub.

const [pub, sub] = createPubSub<Type>();

As Store

To store a value, pass an initial value and set a third element while destructuring it.

const [pub, sub, get] = createPubSub(initialValue);


Example: Getting Started

const [pub, sub] = createPubSub<string>();

sub((data) => console.log(`Hello ${data}!`));

pub("World"); // Prints "Hello World!".

Example: Naming Functions

Name the 'pub' and 'sub' functions as you wish. The idea is to avoid relying on strings representing the events names. The following snippet shows different ways to name an event which indicates the game started:

const [publishGameStarted, subscribeToGameStarted] = createPubSub();

const [gameStarted, onGameStarted] = createPubSub();

const [dispatchGameStarted, listenGameStartedEvent] = createPubSub();

Example: Signalling

You can also publish events with no data, just for signalling:

const [emitPageIsReady, whenPageIsReady] = createPubSub();

whenPageIsReady(() => {
  // Do something with the page, which is now ready.


Example: Unsubscribing

And you can unsubscribe at any moment, by invoking the function returned when you subscribe:

const [publish, subscribe] = createPubSub();

const unsubscribe = subscribe((numberReceived) => {

  if (numberReceived === 2) unsubscribe();

publish(1); // Prints 1.
publish(2); // Prints 2 and unsubscribe.
publish(3); // Nothing is printed.

Example: Chaining Events

const [emitAssetsLoaded, onAssetsLoaded] = createPubSub();
const [emitGameStarted, onGameStarted] = createPubSub();

onGameStarted(() => {
  // Setup world, characters, etc. And possibly chain more events.

onAssetsLoaded(() => {
  // Initializes the game, load last saved session, etc.


Example: Storing Data

const [set, sub, get] = createPubSub("red");

console.log(get()); // Prints "red".

set("blue"); // Sets the store to "blue", but nothing is printed.

sub((state) => console.log(state)); // Subscribe to the next store updates.

set("green"); // Sets the store to "green" and prints it.

Example: Action & Reaction

You also receive the value to the previous value stored there, so you can check if the value has changed or not since last time it was set, for example:

const [updatePlayer, onPlayerChanged, getPlayer] = createPubSub({
  name: "Player1",
  level: 5,
  health: 33,
  mana: 92,

onPlayerChanged((playerState, previousPlayerState) => {
  if (playerState.level > previousPlayerState.level) {
    // Player leveled up! Let's display the level-up dialog.

updatePlayer({ ...getPlayer(), level: 6, health: 40 });

Example: State Management

Using it as a store and reacting to other events:

const [setValue, watchValue, getValue] = createPubSub(0);

const [dispatchIncremented, onIncremented] = createPubSub();

const [dispatchDecremented, onDecremented] = createPubSub();

onIncremented(() => setValue(getValue() + 1));

onDecremented(() => setValue(getValue() - 1));

watchValue((state) => console.log(state));

dispatchIncremented(); // Prints 1.
dispatchIncremented(); // Prints 2.
dispatchDecremented(); // Prints 1.

Example: React Hook

For linking a PubSub instance with a React element, import the usePubSub hook from create-pubsub/react and use it inside the component, similar to React's useState.

import { createPubSub } from "create-pubsub";
import { usePubSub } from "create-pubsub/react";

const counterPubSub = createPubSub(0);

const ReactButton = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = usePubSub(counterPubSub);

  return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Count: {count}</button>;