
A CLI for CloudWatch Logs Insights

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cwq from '';


CloudWatch Logs Query (cwq)

Executes a CloudWatch Insights query against one or more log groups. Command output options are available for further parsing of results.


$ npm install -g cwq
$ cwq --help


cwq commands require at least a log group and a query:

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup 'filter @type = "REPORT" | stats max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as maxMemoryUsedMB by bin(5m)'

Querying between 2021-10-30T18:12:46.491Z and 2021-10-30T19:12:46.491Z 
    for 1 log group(s): ["MyLogGroup"]

"2021-10-30 19:10:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 19:05:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 19:00:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:55:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:50:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:45:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:40:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:35:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:30:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:25:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:20:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:15:00.000","229"

The default output of the command is a CSV representation of the query results for the last hour, which you can save to a file or pipe to other commands for further processing. cwq also supports other output formats and time ranges.

The CLI respects any AWS environment variables provided, so you can use it across accounts and regions:

$ AWS_PROFILE=staging AWS_REGION=us-east-1 cwq --log-group MyLogGroup 'filter @message like /ERROR/'


Time Ranges

By default, cwq will query over the previous hour:

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup 'filter @message like /ERROR/' # results for last hour returned

To set a custom start time, pass --start (or -s) with a duration or ISO 8601 formatted time.

Example for find errors from the last 8 hours:

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup --start 8h 'filter @message like /ERROR/'

Find errors within a specific time range (ISO 8601 format):

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup --start 2021-05-08T06:00:00Z --end 2021-05-08T12:00:00Z 'filter @message like /ERROR/'


Comma Separated Values (CSV)

The default output format is CSV, which can be piped in a unix command line to other utilities like read, sed, and tr.

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup 'filter @type = "REPORT" | stats max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as maxMemoryUsedMB by bin(5m)'

Querying between 2021-10-30T18:12:46.491Z and 2021-10-30T19:12:46.491Z 
    for 1 log group(s): ["MyLogGroup"]

"2021-10-30 19:10:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 19:05:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 19:00:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:55:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:50:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:45:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:40:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:35:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:30:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:25:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:20:00.000","229"
"2021-10-30 18:15:00.000","229"


You can use JSON for more advanced result manipulation:

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup --format json 'filter @type = "REPORT" | stats max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as maxMemoryUsedMB by bin(5m)'

Querying between 2021-10-30T18:12:46.491Z and 2021-10-30T19:12:46.491Z 
    for 1 log group(s): ["MyLogGroup"]

[{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 19:10:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 19:05:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 19:00:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:55:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:50:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:45:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:40:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:35:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:30:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:25:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:20:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"},{"bin(5m)":"2021-10-30 18:15:00.000","maxMemoryUsedMB":"229"}]


If you need to share on a medium that supports Markdown:

$ cwq --format markdown --log-group MyLogGroup 'filter @type = "REPORT" | stats max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as maxMemoryUsedMB by bin(5m)'

Querying between 2021-10-30T18:12:46.491Z and 2021-10-30T19:12:46.491Z 
    for 1 log group(s): ["MyLogGroup"]

| bin(5m) | maxMemoryUsedMB |
| ------- | --------------- |
| 2021-10-30 19:10:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 19:05:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 19:00:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:55:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:50:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:45:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:40:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:35:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:30:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:25:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:20:00.000 | 229 |
| 2021-10-30 18:15:00.000 | 229 |

Just The Messages

Sometimes you only want the log message from the returned data. You can get that by just passing -m or --message-only:

$ cwq --message-only --logGroup MyLogGroup 'filter @message like /ERROR/'

2021-10-30T04:23:25.477Z	5bc694d8-b2e6-4147-9bba-6488c6854bb0	ERROR	Something broke
2021-10-30T04:19:25.098Z	5bc694d8-b2e6-4147-9bba-6488c6854bb0	ERROR	Something else broke

Log Group Matching

If you want to search across multiple log groups, you can pass each log group separately with multiple --log-group arguments:

$ cwq --log-group MyLogGroup --log-group MyOtherLogGroup 'filter @message like /ERROR/'

You can also provide a glob expression to the --log-group argument to match log group names by prefix:

$ cwq --log-group 'MyPrefix-*' 'filter @message like /ERROR/'

IAM Policy Requirements

In order to run this utility, the IAM entity associated with the call must ALLOW the following actions:


The necessary permissions are also available in the CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess managed policy