
Encode binary data as a UTF-8 string that compresses efficiently

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import d8code from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/d8code';



Encode binary data as a UTF-8 string that may compress efficiently.

It may be an interesting alternative to base64 and hex encoding to inline WebAssembly code in a Javascript module.


wasm-crypto mainly contains code. The data section is small.

uncompressed gzip -9 brotli -9
non encoded 230204 66807 56528
base64 encoded 306941 78534 72305
hex encoded 460408 73352 70044
d8 encoded 278523 72009 65816
d8 encoded, pshift=35 268758 71737 65212


libsodium mainly contains optimized code. The data section is small.

uncompressed gzip -9 brotli -9
original 142651 73847 67085
base64 encoded 190205 91460 83944
hex encoded 285302 84001 75940
d8 encoded 183114 82821 71612


The Tanks game contains code, but also a solid amount of already compressed binary data.

Base64 encoding performs the best here, even though any kind of encoding should be avoided here.

uncompressed gzip -9 brotli -9
original 3773944 3751303 67085
base64 encoded 5031929 3796237 3765105
hex encoded 7547888 4252953 4090581
d8 encoded 6162834 4648197 4108294