
Module will allow you to synchronously or asynchronously import (requires) all modules from the folder you specify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import directoryImport from '';



Module will allow you to synchronously or asynchronously import (requires) all modules from the folder you specify.

You can use modules from the returned object, or you can invoke function per file


npm i directory-import

After install, you can require module and import files:

const importDir = require('index');

// Returns: { filePath1: fileData1, filePath2: fileData2, ... },
const importedModules = importDir({ directoryPath: './' });

Simple usage

This is one simple example of how to use the library and how it works under the hood:

const importDir = require('index');

const importedModules = importDir({ directoryPath: '../sample-directory' });;
GIF how it works under the hood

Path to directory from GIF above

You can invoke callback on each file

This can be useful when, for example, you need to do some action depending on the imported file.

const importDir = require('index');

importDir({ directoryPath: '../sample-directory' }, (moduleName, modulePath, moduleData) => {{ moduleName, modulePath, moduleData });
GIF how it works under the hood


{Object} Options:

Property Type Default value Description
directoryPath String "./" Relative path to directory
importMethod String "sync" Import files synchronously, or asynchronously
includeSubdirectories Boolean true If false — files in subdirectories will not be imported
webpack Boolean false Webpack support. Example using
limit Number 0 Indicates how many files to import. 0 - to disable the limit
exclude RegExp undefined Exclude files paths. Example

{Function} Callback:

Property Type Description
fileName String File name
filePath String File path
fileData String Exported file data

More examples

Minimum code to run modules that are in the same folder as the code below:

const importDir = require('directory-import');


Async call:

const importDir = require('directory-import');

const importedModules = importDir({ importMethod: 'async', directoryPath: '../sample-directory' });

// Promise { <pending> };

Async call with callback:

const importDir = require('directory-import');

importDir({ importMethod: 'async', directoryPath: '../sample-directory' }, (moduleName, modulePath, moduleData) => {
  // {
  //   moduleName: 'sample-file-1',
  //   modulePath: '/sample-file-1.js',
  //   moduleData: 'This is first sampleFile'
  // }
  // ...{ moduleName, modulePath, moduleData });

Put the result in a variable and invoke a callback for each module

const importDir = require('directory-import');

const importedModules = importDir({ directoryPath: '../sample-directory' }, (moduleName, modulePath, moduleData) => {
  // {
  //   moduleName: 'sample-file-1',
  //   modulePath: '/sample-file-1.js',
  //   moduleData: 'This is first sampleFile'
  // }
  // ...{ moduleName, modulePath, moduleData });

// {
//   '/sample-file-1.js': 'This is first sampleFile',
//   ...
// };

Exclude .json extension

const importDir = require('directory-import');

const result = importDir({ directoryPath: '../sample-directory', exclude: /.json$/g });;

using with webpack

// You must specify the node_modules dir. Otherwise webpak will generate an error
const importDir = require('node_modules/directory-import');
// or const importDir = require('../node_modules/directory-import');

// You must specify the path from the root directory.
// And also indicate that we want to work with the webpack (webpack: true)
const result = importDir({ directoryPath: './sample-directory', webpack: true });;


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