
discord-mongodb-economy is an economy system using mongodb

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import discordMongodbEconomy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/discord-mongodb-economy';


Discord server


A lightweight and easy to use javascript economy framework that uses mongoDB. The best module for roleplay bots.

Bugs and glitches

Feel free to report all bugs and glitches by creating an issue in the issue section.

A correct and understandable issue contains :

  • Steps to reproduce
  • Code that summonned the error
  • The complete error

You can also join me on my discord server.


You can download it from npmjs.

npm i discord-mongodb-economy


The first step is to import the module in your code.

const mongoEconomy = require("discord-mongodb-economy");

Then you need to connect to the mongoDB database.

mongoEconomy.connectDatabase("mongodb://localhost:27017/mongoeconomy"); //This need to be done only once.

I suppose you to initialize the database in your ready event.

You can also disconnect from the database after all your actions.


You would have to reconnect to the database. Use it only if yout shutting your process down or reconnectiong for another action.


Here are all the available methods of the module.


Connect to the mongodb database.

const member = await mongoeconomy.connectDatabase(<MongoDBUrl>, { <MongoDBOptions> } )

Options are optionnals.

  • Expected output : Promise<Boolean>


Disconnect from the mongodb database.

const member = await mongoeconomy.disconnectDatabase()
  • Expected output : Promise<Boolean>


If there is no entry, create one in the database for the specified member in the specified guild.

const member = await mongoeconomy.createMember(<MemberId>, <GuildId>)
  • Expected output : Promise<Object>


If there is one, delete the entry in the database for the specified member in the specified guild.

const member = await mongoeconomy.deleteMember(<MemberId>, <GuildId>)
  • Expected output : Promise<Object>


Add an amount of xp to an member. It re-calculate the level for the final amount of xp.

const member = await mongoeconomy.attributeXp(<MemberId>, <GuildId>, <Amount>)

<Amount> need to be a number. You can also use it to substract an amount.

  • Expected output : Promise<Boolean>


Add an amount of level to an member. It re-calculate the level for the final amount of xp.

const member = await mongoeconomy.attributeLevel(<MemberId>, <GuildId>, <Amount>)

<Amount> need to be a number. You can also use it to substract an amount.

  • Expected output : Promise<Object>


Fetch the informations of a member.

const member = await mongoeconomy.fetchMember(<MemberId>, <GuildId>)
  • Expected output : Promise<Object>


Get the raw data of the guild leaderboard.

const rawData = await mongoeconomy.getLeaderBoard(<GuildID>, <Limit>)

<Limit> need to be a number.

  • Expected output : Promise<Array [Objects]>


Convert the raw data of the leaderboard.

const rawData = await mongoeconomy.convertLeaderBoard(<Discord Client>, <RawData>)

<RawData> the getLeaderBoard() output

  • Expected output : Array[Objects]


Set the xp of a member, reset the current amount an re-calculate the level

const member = await mongoeconomy.setXp(<MemberId>, <GuildId>, <Amount>)

<Amount> need to be a number.

  • Expected output : Promise<Object>


Set the level of a member, reset the current amount an re-calculate the xp

const member = await mongoeconomy.setLevel(<MemberId>, <GuildId>, <Amount>)

<Amount> need to be a number.

  • Expected output : Promise<Object>

Full bot example using all the methods

// Import the discord.js library.
const Discord = require("discord.js")
// Create a new discord.js client.
const bot = new Discord.Client()

// Import the module
const mongoeconomy = require("discord-mongodb-economy");

// Listen to the ready event
bot.on("ready", () => {
    // Connexion to the database

// Listen to the message event
bot.on("message", async (message) => {
    if (!message.guild) return;
    if (message.author.bot) return;

    var prefix = "*"

    // Add a random ammount of xp to at every messages, check if the member has levlled up
    var randomXp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 49) + 1;
    var hasLevelUp = await mongoeconomy.attributeXp(message.member.id, message.guild.id, randomXp);
    if (hasLevelUp) {
        // fetch the member
        // return false if there is no entry for the member
        let member = await mongoeconomy.fetchMember(message.member.id, message.guild.id);
        message.channel.send(`${message.member}, congratulations! You have reached the level **${member.level}**. :tada:`);

    // Create an entry in the database for the member
    // return false if there is already an entry
    if (message.content === prefix + "create") {
        let created = await mongoeconomy.createMember(message.member.id, message.guild.id);
        message.reply(`Your entry has been created\n${created}.`);

    // Delete the entry in the database for the member
    // return false if there is no entry for the member
    if (message.content === prefix + "delete") {
        let deleted = await mongoeconomy.deleteMember(message.member.id, message.guild.id);
        message.reply(`Your entry has been deleted\n${deleted}.`);

    // Get your current xp and level
    if (message.content === prefix + "xp") {
        let mention = message.mentions.members.first() ? message.mentions.members.first() : message.member;
        let member = await mongoeconomy.fetchMember(mention.id, message.guild.id);
        if (!member) return message.channel.send("You haven't earned any xp or level...")
        message.channel.send(`You have ${member.xp} points and you are at level ${member.level}.`)

    if (message.content === prefix + "leaderboard") {
        let raw = await mongoeconomy.getLeaderBoard(message.guild.id, 10);
        let data = await mongoeconomy.convertLeaderBoard(bot, raw);

        let leaderboard = data.map(e => `${e.position}. ${e.membername}#${e.discriminator}\nLevel: ${e.level}\nXP: ${e.xp.toLocaleString()}\n`);

    if (message.content === prefix + "setxp") {
        let member = await mongoeconomy.setXp(message.member.id, message.guild.id, 100)
        message.channel.send(`You are now at level ${member.level} with ${member.xp} xp`)

    if (message.content === prefix + "setlevel") {
        let member = await mongoeconomy.setLevel(message.member.id, message.guild.id, 100)
        message.channel.send(`You are now at level ${member.level} with ${member.xp} xp`)

// Log in to the bot