
Simple Discord.js v13 Module that assign temporary role to live streamers, usefull to highlight them in a separate group.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import discordStreaming from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/discord-streaming';



An extremely simple DiscordJS V13 module that highligh Live Streamers by assigning them a temporary role


This module assumes you already have a basic Discord.js bot setup. Simply type the following command to install the module and it depedencies.

npm i discord-streaming

Discord.js v11 and v12 compatibility

You can install DiscordJS v11 and v12 version using tag. These aren't maintained anymore. V11: npm install discord-streaming@discord.js-v11
V12: npm install discord-streaming@discord.js-v12


Once you've done this, setting the module will be very easy. And you can follow the code below to get started!

Single-Server Usage (no server ID required in the configuration)

const Streaming = require("discord-streaming");

Streaming(client, {
    live :  "STREAM LIVE"
    ,required : "Streamers" // optional parameter, only use if you want to take action on people of a specific role

Multi-Servers Usage

const Streaming = require("discord-streaming");

Streaming(client, {
    "serverid1" : {
        live :  "STREAM LIVE"
        ,required : "Streamers" // optional parameter, only use if you want to take action on people of a specific role
    "serverid12" : {
        live :  "STREAM LIVE"		
        //,required : "Streamers" // optional parameter, only use if you want to take action on people of a specific role


-If you take actions on roles that have duplicate name, the module might get confused -Multi-Servers configuration require to know Server ID


This module was initialy coded for the Bucherons.ca gamers community and the Star Citizen Organization "Gardiens du LYS".


Ce module a initiallement été conçu pour la communauté de gamers Bucherons.ca, la communauté gaming pour adultes au Québec, et l'organisation des Gardiens du LYS dans Star Citizen.

Liens: https://www.bucherons.ca et https://www.gardiensdulys.com


You can reach me via my Discord Development Server at https://discord.gg/Tmtjkwz


3.0.1 Initial release for DiscordJS v13.
2.3.1 Fixed a possible error on line 100 when roles was not accessible, bumped depedencies version.
2.2.4 Fixing error on missing .cache
2.2.0 Improved error logging
2.0.0 Initial push to GitHub, and Initial Discord.js v12 verion
1.4.1 Last Discord.JS V11 version, you can install it by using "npm i discord-streaming@discord.js-v11"
1.0.0 Initial publish