
A data-migration driver to upload files to S3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dmDriverS3 from '';


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A Data Migration driver to query/modify a cognito user pool.



The S3 driver accepts the following parameters as part of its configuration:

Name Type Required Description
region string Yes The AWS Region where this bucket exists
bucketName string Yes Name of the bucket to interact with
profile string No Name of the AWS profile to use


The following configuration creates a S3 driver that connects to a bucket in the us-east-1 stack some-stack-name.

module.exports = {
  defaultStage: "prod",
  migrationDirectory: "migrations",
  stages: {
    prod: {
      defaultParams: {
        region: "us-east-1",
      drivers: {
        users: {
          driver: require("dm-driver-s3"),
          params: {
            bucketName: {
              // Use this processor to get values from CloudFormation
              processor: require("dm-processor-cf"),
              params: {
                stack: "some-stack-name",
                output: "SomeOutputName",