
Small stateful lib for working with Dojo 2 widgets

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dojo2Stateful from '';



A simple state lib for Dojo 2 inspired by Unstated.

How do I use this package?

npm install dojo2-stateful


Simple state mechanism that enables sharing state across your application widget tree without needing to introduce complex state management.

Simple Counter Example:

import { ProjectorMixin } from '@dojo/widget-core/mixins/Projector';
import Registry from '@dojo/widget-core/Registry';
import { WidgetBase } from '@dojo/widget-core/WidgetBase';
import { w, v } from '@dojo/widget-core/d';
import { createStatefulProvider, Container, Subscribe } from 'dojo2-stateful';

interface CounterState {
    count: number

class CounterContainer extends Container<CounterState> {
    state = {
      count: 0

    increment = () => {
      this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

    decrement = () => {
      this.setState({ count: this.state.count - 1 });

class Counter extends ProjectorMixin(WidgetBase) {
    protected render() {
        return w(Subscribe, { to: [CounterContainer], render: (counter: CounterContainer) => {
            return v('div', [
                v('button', { onclick: counter.decrement }, [ 'Decrement' ]),
                v('span', [ `${counter.state.count}` ]),
                v('button', { onclick: counter.increment }, [ 'Increment' ])

const registry = new Registry();
// create state provider for the registry

const counter = new Counter();
counter.setProperties({ registry });