
A rate-limiter middleware for Express

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dolph from '';



Dolph is a rate-limiter middleware for Express.js.


Dolph is named in honour of Dolph Lundgren, the actor who once worked as a nightclub bouncer and who reportedly has a genius level IQ and can speak 5 languages. An intelligent, sophisticated bouncer is exactly what Dolph the middleware aspires to be.

dolph will crush you

Why yet another rate-limiter middleware?

Several similar middlewares already exist. At the time we evaluated the existing ones, none supported Redis-Lua scripting. We specifically wanted a solution that used redis lua scripting as it allows for an extremely simply, yet bug-free solution.

The basis of the rate limiting algorithm is documented at

Installing dolph

$ npm install dolph --save

Using dolph

Attach the middleware to the route you would like to rate limit.

var dolph = require('dolph');

var rateLimiter = dolph({
   prefix: 'rate:',
   keyFunction: function() {

  function(req, res) {
    // .. your code goes here


Dolph will take an options hash. The options are:

  • prefix: the Redis key prefix to use
  • keyFunction: a function which will map a request into a string. The string should map a single entity which you would like to apply the limiter to. Using a userId is a good option if the limit is per user. Use a clientId if you will limit by clients. If it's a combination, concatenate the values into a single string. The function should take the form function(req) { }.
  • applyLimit: a function which should return true when the limit should be applied, false otherwise. The function should take the form function(req) { }.
  • expiry: a time in seconds before the rate limit is reset. Can be a function with the form function(req) { }. Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • limit: the number of calls that can occur within the limit (as set by the expiry). Can be a function with the form function(req) { }. Defaults to 100.
  • redisClient: a reference to a redisClient (optional)
  • redis: If a redisClient is not passed in, Dolph will instantiate it's own redis client. This hash allows the port, host and options of the client to be specified.

Using the rate limiter without the middleware

Sometimes it's useful to perform rate limiting outside of a middleware. For this reason, Dolph exposes functionality to do this.

var rateLimiter = require('dolph').rateLimiter({
  prefix: 'rate:',
  redis: { host: 'localhost', port: 6379 },  // Default values, not required
  redisClient: { } // Or, BYO redis client to the party (useful if you're using Sentinel)

var key = 'thespotter';
rateLimiter(key, expiry, function(err, count, ttl) {
  if (err) return callback(err);

  // `count` is how many times the key has been called within the window period
  // `ttl` is how long until a new window period starts

  // Do whatever you want with this information here....



Dolph needs Redis 2.6.0 or above and Express 3.


Written by @suprememoocow for Gitter.